Research Activities and Publications:
Refereed Journal/Conference Papers:
Abdullah M. Al-Garni, “Measurements
of the cross-flow velocity field in the wake of an idealized pickup
truck model using particle image velocimetry” 14th Int. Symp on
Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal,
07-10 July, 2008.
Abdullah M. Al-Garni, “Low speed calibration of
hot-wire anemometers” Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol.
18, 2007, pp. 95-98.
Abdullah M. Al-Garni, “Control of flow separation
over an airfoil using leading-edge rotation” under preparation for journal
Abdullah M. Al-Garni and Luis P. Bernal “Experimental
study of the flow around pick-up truck” submitted for journal publications.
Abdullah M. Al-Garni and Luis P. Bernal, “SUV
aerodynamics: an experimental study” to be submitted for journal publications
Abdullah M. Al-Garni, “Proper orthogonal
decomposition of the flow around 3-D bluff body”. Under preparation for
conference publication.
M. Tozan, A.Z. Al-Garni, Abdullah M. Al-Garni, A.
Jamal, “Failure distribution modeling for planned replacement of aircraft
auxiliary power unit oil pumps”, Maintenance Journal, Vol. 19, No.1,
Feb. 2006.
A.Z. Al-Garni, A. Jamal, A.M. Ahmed, Abdullah M.
Al-Garni, M. Tozan, “Failure-rate prediction for De Havilland Dash-8
tires employing neural network techniques”, J. of Aircraft, Vol. 43,
No. 2, 2006.
Ahmed Z. Al-Garni, Farooq Saeed, Abdullah M. Al-Garni,
Ayman Abdullah, and Ayman Kassem “Experimental and numerical investigation
of 65-deg delta and 65/40-deg double delta wings,” AIAA paper 2006-0063.
A.Z. Al-Garni, M. Tozan, Abdullah M. Al-Garni, A.
Jamal, “Comparative analysis of the Weibull and artificial neural network
models for predicting failures of aircraft auxiliary power unit oil pumps”,
Journal of Aircraft, 2005.
A.Z. Al-Garni, M. Tozan, Abdullah M. Al-Garni, A.
Jamal, “Artificial neural network as an alternative to regression analysis
in modeling failure distributions of aircraft components”, Journal of
Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 2005.
Abdullah M. Al-Garni, Luis P. Bernal and Bahram
Khalighi, “Experimental investigation of the flow around a generic SUV,”
SAE Paper 2004-01-0228.
Abdullah M. Al-Garni, Luis P. Bernal and Bahram
Khalighi, “Experimental investigation of the near wake of a pick-up truck,”
SAE Paper 2003-01-0651.
M. Tozan, A. Z. Al-Garni, Abdullah M. Al-Garni, A.
Jamal, “Failure data analysis for aircraft maintenance planning” 3rd
aircraft engineering symposium, Jeddah, Dec. 2004.
Abdullah M. Al-Garni and Luis P. Bernal, “POD
analysis of PIV measurements in complex near wake flows,” APS 56th Annual
Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Bulletin of the American Physical
Society, Vol. 48, No. 10, pp. 53, 2003 (abstract only).
Luis P. Bernal, Abdullah M Al-Garni, “PIV study of
the near wake of a pickup truck” the Aerodynamics of Heavy Vehicles:
Trucks, Buses and Trains. December 2002, Monterey-Pacific Grove,
California. (presentation only).
Ahmed Z. Al-Garni, Saad A. Ahmed, Ahmet Z. Sahin, Abdullah M. Al-Garni, “An experimental study of a 65-degree delta wing
with different pitching rates,” Canadian Aeron. & Space J., Vol. 47
No.2 , 2001 pp. 85-93.
Al-Garni, Ahmed Z. Al-Garni, Abdullah M. Al-Garni,
Saad A. Ahmed and Ahmet Z. Sahin, “Flow
Control for an Airfoil with Leading-Edge Rotation: An Experimental Study,”
J. of Aircraft,
Vol. 37 No.4, 2000, pp. 617-622.
Technical Reports:
Ahmed Z. Al-Garni, Farooq Saeed,
Abdullah M. Al-Garni
2006 Aerodyanmic Performance and Longitudinal Stability Analyses of Delta
and Double Delta wing configurations. Report no. FT/2004-08, KFUPM.
Luis P. Bernal, Szabolzs O. Balkanyi and Abdullah
M Al-Garni 2001 High Reynolds Number Performance of Drag Reduction
Devices. Report no. N002139-01, Department of Aerospace Engineering,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
Abdullah M. Al-Garni and L. P. Bernal 2002
Unsteady Pressure Measurements in a Pickup Truck Model. Report no. N002139-02, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan.
Abdullah M. Al-Garni and L. P. Bernal 2003
Velocity Field Measurements in a Pickup Truck Model. Report no. N002139-03, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan.
Abdullah M. Al-Garni and L. P. Bernal 2003 PIV
Measurements of Cross-Flow Velocity Field in the Near Wake of a Pickup
Truck. Report no. N002139-04, Department of Aerospace Engineering,
University of Michigan. Download
Abdullah M. Al-Garni and L. P. Bernal 2003
Experimental Investigation of the Near Wake of a Sport Utility Vehicle Report no.
N002139-05, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University
of Michigan. Download
Funded Projects:
2/2004-2/2005 |
“Aerodynamic performance and longitudinal stability
analyses of delta- and double-delta wing configurations” (CI) |
9/2006-9/2007 |
"Numerical Simulation of the Turbulent Flow Around Generic
Automotive Bluff Body” (PI) |
Seminars and Conference Presentations:
Date |
Title |
Organizer/Place |
2/01/1424 (5-03-2003) |
Experimental Investigation of the Near Wake of
a Pickup Truck |
2003 SAE Conference/ Detroit, USA |
13/02/1424(15-04-2003) |
PIV Measurements in the Near Wake of a Pickup
Truck |
Mech. Eng. Dept. /Univ. of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, USA |
16/02/1425 (6-04-2004) |
Fundamental Investigation of Road Vehicle
Aerodynamics |
Aero. Eng. Dept. /KFUPM Dhahran, Saudi
Arabia |
13/11/1425 (25-12-2004) |
An Experimental Investigation of an Airfoil
with a Moving-Surface Boundary Layer Control |
Aero. Eng. Dept. /KFUPM Dhahran, Saudi
Arabia |
Editorial Board and Reviewer:
Editorial Board Member of the International
Journal of Dynamics of Fluids (IJDF)
Ad-hoc Reviewer, the Journal of Engineering
Research (TJER)