In this page you may find:

·         The original article «Non conservation du moment cinétique total, selon la Théorie Quantique des mesures, lors d’une mesure de spin». The article was published in: Epistemological Letters 24, 14-20 (1979). «Epistemological Letters» was self defined as follows: “Epistemological Letters are not a scientific journal in the ordinary sense. They want to create a basis for an open and informal discussion allowing confrontation and ripening of ideas before publishing in some adequate journal”.

·         A paper by N. Cufaro-Petroni, A. Garuccio, F. Selleri and J.P. Vigier «Sur la contradiction entre la théorie classique (idéalisée) de la mesure et la conservation du carré du moment angulaire  total dans le paradoxe d’Einstein, Podolski et Rosen», C.R.A.S. t. 290 (Série B), 11-114 (1980).

·         A letter from N. Hadjisavvas to A. Kastler (editor of C.R.A.S., Nobel prize) on the two previous articles, and

·         The rectification published by Kastler in C.R.A.S..