an associate professor of Computer Science. He received the B.S. degree in Computer
Engineering with a minor in Computer Science from Iowa State University, USA, in
1990, the M.S. degree in Computer Systems Engineering from Illinois Institute of
Technology, USA, in 1994, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the same
institution in 2000. He has over 10 years of industrial experience in embedded
systems and software and firmware development of network protocol stacks and
device drivers for ATM and Ethernet. Dr. Salah is currently
with the department of Information and Computer Science at King Fahd University
of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, teaching graduate and
undergraduate courses in the areas of computer and network security, operating
systems, VoIP, computer networks, and performance evaluation. Dr. Salah is an
Editorial Board member of several prestigious international journals including
Communications, Elsevier JNCA, Wiley IJNM, Wiley SCN, and J.UCS. Over the past four years,
Dr. Salah has published 25 research articles in reputable international
journals. He was the recipient of KFUPM University Excellence in Research Award
of 2008/09, the recipient of KFUPM Best Research Project Award of 2009/10, and also the recipient of the departmental awards for Distinguished
Research and Teaching in prior years. His research interests are in computer and
network security, network design, Linux Internals, Voice and Video deployment
over IP networks, and performance analysis and design of computer systems and
networks. Dr. Salah has led a number of funded research projects and
consultations, and he has given a number of public talks, seminars, and
tutorials. He is currently leading activities of the Saudi Honeynet Project to
detect and analyze malware and viruses in KSA Internet. He has also a number of
recent articles which appeared in Saudi national newspapers and in international
conferences on the subject of IT and network security. Dr. Salah is the founder and leader of the Security
Research Group (SRG) at KFUPM.
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