Text Box: Eng. Mohammed Hassan Al-Yaqoub


Text Box: About Me
Eng. Mohammed Al-Yaqoub is currently a graduate assistant in the 
department of Systems Engineering (SE) at King Fahd University of 
Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM). Saudi Arabia 
Academic Back Ground
· 2003-2008  B.Sc. degree in Industrial System Engineer From KFUPM
· 2008-now    pursing my study in M.Sc. Degree in System Engineer at KFUPM
Dynamic Optimization of Price, Warranty Length and Production Rate that Covers Shortage Penalty and Deterioration Factor, by Abdulrahman Al-Essa, Mohammed Al-Yagoub in 2011.

Research Interest
Operation Research
Crew Scheduling
Supply Chain Management
Other Interest
Computer Interface Design
Product Design

Text Box: Mailing Address
P.O. Box:60650
Qatif 31911
Saudi Arabia
E-mail: mohyaqoub@kfupm.edu.sa

Text Box: Contact  Information