<% if not session("UserGood")=true then session("UserGood") = false end if %> Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Suwailem









Marine Studies Section

Center for Environment & Water,

Research Institute,

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

P.O. Box 2017 Dhahran 31261,

Saudi Arabia


Phone:  +966-3-860-1426

Fax:       +966-3-860-1205

E-mail: suwailem@ kfupm.edu.sa


Key Qualifications



Experienced researcher and project manager of various client funded research projects on marine environmental topics such as environmental impact assessment studies, pollution studies, biotope mapping, ecological modeling, monitoring of water, sediment and biota and fisheries.  Al-Suwailem has been the Cruise Leader and Co-Cruise Leader for many cruises in  the Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, studies covered oceanography, ecology and fisheries of the Gulf. He has university teaching experience in the areas of Aquatic Biological Resources, Biological Oceanography, Physical and Chemical Oceanography, Natural History of Arabian Gulf and Red Sea, Non-fish Resources of the World and Marine Pollution.