Selected Publications

Papers in Periodicals:


1.         Taming the Yukawa potential singularity: improved evaluation of bound states and resonance energies
A D Alhaidari, H Bahlouli and M S Abdelmonem

J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 No 3 (25 January 2008) 032001 (9pp)


2.         The rotating Morse potential model for diatomic molecules in the tridiagonal J-matrix representation: I. Bound states
I Nasser, M S Abdelmonem, H Bahlouli and A D Alhaidari

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40 No 21 (14 November 2007) 4245-4257


3.         A.D. Al-Haidari, H. Bahlouli.,  M.S. Abdelmonem, F. Al-Ameen and T. Al-Abelaal, “ Scattering Theory with Special Regularization: Rediscovering the J-Matrix Method”, Physics Letters A 364, 372-377 (2007).


4.         I. Nasser, M. S. Abdelmonem, H. Bahlouli and A. D. Alhaidari,  “ Bound States for Arbitrary l-state Morse Potential using Tridiagonal Representation”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40, 4245 (2007).


5.         A.D. Al-Haidari, H. Bahlouli., A. Alhassan and M.S. Abdelmonem, “ Relativistic Scattering with Spatially Dependent Effective Mass in the Dirac Equation”, Physical Review A75 , 062711 (2007).


6.         H. Bahlouli, A.D. Al-Haidari and M. S. Abdelmonem, “ Density of States Extracted from Modified Recursion Relations”, Phys. Letters A 367,  162 (2007).


7.         A.D.H. Al Haidari, I. Nasser, M. S. Abelmonbem and H. Bahlouli, “ Bound States for Rotating Morse Potential using Tridiagonal Representation”, submitted June  (2007)


8.         A.D. Al-Haidari, H. Bahlouli.,  M.S. Abdelmonem, F. Al-Ameen and T. Al-Abelaal, “ Scattering Theory with Special Regularization: Rediscovering the J-Matrix Method”, Physics Letters A 364, 372-377 (2007).


9.         A.D. Al-Haidari, H. Bahlouli., A. Alhassan and M.S. Abdelmonem, “ Relativistic Scattering with Spatially Dependent Effective Mass in the Dirac Equation”, Physical Review A75 , 062711 (2007).


10.       H. Bahlouli, A.D. Al-Haidari and M. S. Abdelmonem, “ Density of States Extracted from Modified Recursion Relations”, Phys. Letters A 367,  162 (2007).


11.       Yamani HA, Alhaidari AD, Abdelmonem MS                                    

J-matrix method of scattering in any L-2 basis
PHYS REV A 64 (4): Art. No. 042703 OCT (2001)


12.       Alhaidari AD, Yamani HA, Abdelmonem MS                                                

Relativistic J-matrix theory of scattering
PHYS REV A 63 (6): Art. No. 062708 JUN (2001)

13.       Yamani HA, Abdelmonem MS, Al-Haidari AD                                  

Extracting density information from finite Hamiltonian matrices
PHYS REV A 62 (5): Art. No. 052103 NOV (2000)


14.       The analytic inversion of any finite symmetric tridiagonal matrix
H A Yamani and M S Abdelmonem

J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 30 No 8 (21 April 1997) 2889-2893


15.       Multi-channel Green's functions in complete bases
H A Yamani and M S Abdelmonem

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 30 No 7 (14 April 1997) 1633-1650


16.       The complex-scaling method using a complete -basis
H A Yamani, and M S Abdelmonem

J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 29 No 21 (7 November 1996) 6991-6998


17.       Characterization of resonances using an exact model S-matrix
H A Yamani and M S Abdelmonem

J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 28 No 9 (7 May 1995) 2709-2715


18.       Resonance information from the analytically continued S-matrix
H A Yamani and M S Abdelmonem

J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 27 No 15 (7 August 1994) 5345-5355


19.       A simple method to extract resonance information from the Harris energy eigenvalues and eigenvectors
H A Yamani and M S Abdelmonem

J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 26 No 22 (21 November 1993) L1183-L1187


20.       Coban A, Khiari FZ, Abdelmonem MS, A Naqvi and A. Aksoy                    

Backangle anomaly in scattering of alpha-particles from Si-28 at low energies
NUCL PHYS A 678 (1-2): 3-10 SEP 25 (2000)

21.       Coban A, Abdelmonem M, Khiari FZ, A Naqvi and A. Aksoy                      

Large angle scattering of alpha-particles from S-32
NUCL PHYS A 645 (1): 3-12 JAN 4 (1999)

22.       Naqvi A A, Abdelmonem MS ,  Al-Misned G , and  Al-Ghamdi H.
”New Source-Moderator Geometry to Improve Performance of 252Cf and
241Am-Be Source-Based PGNAA Setups” Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A Ref. No.:  NIMA-D-05-00273R1(2006)

23.       Naqvi . A. A., M. S. Abdelmonem. Ghada Al-Misned , and  Hanan Al-Ghamdi . Performance Improvement of  keV Neutrons-based PGNAA setups. APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, Vol 64/12 (2006)  pp 1631-1636.

24.       Naqvi A. A., M. S. Abdelmonem, Ghada Al-Misned and Hanan Al-Ghamdi. New Source-Moderator Geometry to Improve Performance 252Cf and 241Am-Be Sources  based PGNAA setup. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS  IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED  EQUIPMENT. Vol 562/1(2006)  pp 358-364.

25.       Abdelmonem, M.S., A. A. Naqvi,  Hanan Al-Ghamdi and Ghada Al-Misned ; Performance Comparison of 2.8 MeV and 241Am-Be Neutron Based  Moisture Measurement Setups JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY , Vol. 274(1) (2007), pp. 131-137.

26.  Abdelmonem M. S., A. A. Naqvi ,  Ghada Al-Misned and  Hanan Al-Ghamdi. Performance Improvement of a PGNAA Setup Due to Change in Moderator Design-A Monte Carlo Study. JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY, Vol. 271 (3), (2007) pp. 685-690

27.      M. S. Abdelmonem and H.S. Sherif (1987) Phys. Rev C36, 1900.                       

     28.   H.S. Sherif , M. S. Abdelmonem , and R.S. Sloboda(1983) Phys Rev C32, 2759.    

29.  A.R. Osborne, J.R. Benbrook, M.S. Abdelmonem, W.R. Sheldon, N.M. Duller and P.J. Green, The multiple scattering of cosmic-ray muons in magnetic spectrometers (1979) Nuovo Cimento 2C, No.2 , 165.

30. P J Green, N M Duller, C E Magnuson, L M Choate, W R Sheldon, A R Osborne, J R Benbrook and M S Abdelmonem, “Absolute Intensities of Medium-energy Muons in the Vertical and at zenith angles 55-85, Phys Rev D 20, 1979