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PHYS 422 Nuclear and Particle Physics (3-0-3)

Second Semester 2004 (032)





                                                OFFICE          BUIL.16/247               TEL: 2600




Study of Nuclear and Particle Physics with the help of Quantum Mechanics. Topics covered include: nuclear properties, forces between nucleons, nuclear models, radioactive decays and detectors, nuclear reactions, accelerators, fundamental particles, forces, and the sub nuclear zoo. Two-body bound and scattering problems, nuclear forces, models, etc. studied both analytically and via computer packages.

Prerequisite: PHYS 401




1)        Introductory Nuclear Physics, K.S. Krane, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1988.


2)        An Introduction to nuclear physics, W. N Cottingham, Greenwood, D. A., Cambridge ; New York :Cambridge University Press 2001




1)        Subatomic Physics, Frauenfelder and Henley, Prentice Hall Pub. 1974.


2)        Concepts of Nuclear Physics, B.L. Cohen, McGraw-Hill Pub. 1971.


3)        Introduction to Nuclear Physics, H.A. Enge, Addison-Wesley Pub. 1966.


4)         Quantum mechanics : concepts and applications, Nouredine Zettili, Chichester, Eng. : John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2001


5)        Radiation detection and measurement, Glenn F Knoll, New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2000




                        -           Homework                   20%

                        -           Major Exam                 25%

                        -           Presentation                  20%

                        -           Final Exam                   35%




            1)         Basic concepts and elements of Quantum Mechanics        3

                        2)         Nuclear Properties        3

3)         Nuclear Forces        5

4)         Nuclear Models        6

5)         Radioactive Decay        2

6)         Alpha Decay        2

7)         Beta Decay        2

8)         Gamma Decay        1

9)         Detectors        1

10)       Nuclear Reactions        2

11)       Accelerators        1

12)       Fundamental Particles        2




Details Of Topics Covered



1.         Basic Concepts and Elements of Quantum Mechanics


                Topics are covered in three 75 minutes lecture formats from Chapter 1 & 2 in Krane.


            -           History of Nuclear Physics

            -           Terminology

            -           Review of a Quantum Mechanics

            -           Quantum Behavior

            -           Principles of Quantum Mechanics

            -           Examples in one dimension

                                    1. The free particle

                                    2. Step potential (E > V0 , E < V0)

                                    3. The infinite well

                                    4. The simple harmonic oscillator

            -           Examples in three dimensions

                                    1. The infinite Cartesian well

                                    2. The infinite spherical well

                                    3. The simple harmonic oscillator

                                    4 The Coulomb potential

            -           Angular Momentum

            -           Parity

            -           Quantum Statistics

            -           Transitions between states


2.         Nuclear Properties


                Topics are covered in three 75 minutes lecture formats from Chapter 1 in Enge and sections 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 in Krane.


            -           The Nuclear Radius

            -           Nuclear Mass

            -           Binding Energy

            -           Angular Momentum and Parity

            -           Nuclear Electromagnetic Moments

            -           Nuclear Disintegration Processes

            -           Charts of Nuclides and Nuclear Stability

            -           Nuclear Reactions

            -           Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones, and Mirror Nuclei

            -           Energy Levels


3.         Nuclear Forces


                Topics are covered in six 75 minutes lecture formats from Chapter 4 in Krane.


            -           Introduction

            -           The Deuteron

                                    1. Binding Energy

                                    2. Spin and Parity

                                    3. Magnetic Dipole Moment

                                    4. Electric Quadruple Moment

            -           Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering

                                    1. Introduction

                                    2. Phase Shift and Partial Wave Analysis

                                    3. Differential and Total Cross Sections

                                    4. Singlet and Triplet Cross Sections

            -           Proton-Proton and Neutron-Neutron Interactions

            -           Properties of the Nuclear Force

            -           The Exchange Force Model


4.         Nuclear Models


                Topics are covered in five 75 minutes lecture format from Chap. 5 in Krane and Chap. 6 in Enge.


            -           The Shell Model

            -           Predicted Angular Momenta of Nuclear Ground States

            -           Magnetic Dipole Moments

            -           Electric Quadrupole Moments

            -           Even-Even Nuclei and Collective Structure

            -           Nuclear Vibrations

            -           Nuclear Rotations

            -           Deformed Nuclei

            -           Isospin and the Generalized Pauli-Principle


5.         Radioactive Decay


                Topics are covered in  two  75 minutes lecture formats from Chapter 6 in Krane.


            -           The radioactive Decay Law

            -           Quantum Theory of Radiative Decays

            -           Production and Decay of Radioactivity

            -           Growth of Daughter Activities

            -           Types of Decays

            -           Natural Radioactivity

            -           Radioactive Dating

            -           Units of Measuring Radiation


6.         Alpha Decay


                Topics are covered in two 75 minutes lecture formats from Chapter 8 in Krane.


            -           Why -Decay occurs

            -           Basic -Decay Processes

            -           -Decay Systematics

            -           Theory of -Emission

            -           Angular Momentum and Parity in -Decay

            -           -Decay Spectroscopy


7.         Beta Decay


                Topics are covered in two 75 minutes lecture formats from Chapter 9 in Krane.


            -           Energy release in b-Decay

            -           Fermi Theory of b-Decay

            -           Angular Momentum and Parity Selection Rules



8.         Gamma Decay


                Topics are covered in one 75 minutes lecture formats from Chapter 10 in Krane.


            -           Energetics of g -Decay

            -           Classical Electromagnetic Radiation

            -           Transition to Quantum Mechanics

            -           Angular Momentum and Parity Selection Rules


9.         Detectors


                Topics are covered in one 75 minutes lecture formats from Chapter 10 in Krane.


10.       Nuclear Reactions


                Topics are covered in two 75 minutes lecture formats from Chapter 11 in Krane.


            -           Types of Reactions and Conservation Laws

            -           Energetics of Nuclear Reactions

            -           Reaction Cross Sections

            -           Coulomb Scattering

            -           Nuclear Scattering

            -           Scattering and Reaction Cross Sections

            -           The Optical Model

            -           Compound Nucleus Reactions

            -           Direct  Reactions


11.       Accelerators


                Topics are covered in one 75 minutes lecture formats from Chapter 15 in Krane..


            -           General Structure and Requirements

            -           Design Parameters For Accelerators

            -           Classes of Accelerators

            -           Types of Accelerators

                                    1. Electrostatic Accelerators

                                    2. Cyclotrons Accelerators

                                    3. Synchrotrons

                                    4. Linear Accelerators

                                    5. Colliding beam Accelerators


12.       Fundamental Particles


                Topics are covered in two 75 minutes lecture formats from Chapter 18 in Krane..


            -           Classification of Particles

            -           Particle Interactions and Families

            -           Symmetries and Conservation Laws

            -           The Quark Model

            -           Colored Quarks and Gluons

            -           Fundamental Forces

            -           Reactions and Decays in the Quark Model