Physics 011


Chapter 10: Fluids


Chapter 10


Practice Problems



What is the weight, to the nearest tenth of a Newton, of an iron sphere with a radius of cm?



In problem 1) what would be its apparent weight when immersed in water?



Water circulates throughout a house in a hotwater heating system. The water is pumped at a speed of .7 m/s through a cm diameter pipe in the basement under a pressure of 3 atm. What is the pressure, to the nearest N/m^2, in a 2 cm pipe on the second floor 5 meters above the basement?



In problem 3) what is the velocity, to the nearest tenth of a m/s, in a 2 cm pipe on the second floor 5 meters above the basement?



If the basement pipe is 4 cm in diameter and the water velocity is .8 m/s, what is the flux of the outflow, to the nearest tenth, of a liter/s at a cm diameter faucet on the second floor?



If wind blows at m/s over your roof, which has an area of 300 m^2, to the nearest N/m^2, what is the pressure above the roof(assume that the pressure in the house is 1 atm)?



In problem 6) what is the lifting force, to the nearest Newton, on the roof?



Given that the Bulk modulus of water is 2x10^9 N/m^2 ,what is its density in units of 10^3 kg/m^3 (to 2 decimal points) at a depth of km?



A kg lead sphere is immersed in a liquid where it has an apparent mass of 10kg. What is its radius, to the nearest tenth of a cm ?



In problem 9) to the nearest kg/m^3, what is the density of the liquid?