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1) Perturbative Treatment Of Coulomb Type Potential In The Presence Of A Background Harmonic Oscillator Field. H.A. Mavromatics And Mohammed Ali Al-Solami (Ajse, Volume 17, Number 4b, October 1992)


2) Coupled channels positive pion inelastic scattering from   at 50 MeV, Physical Review C, Volume 39, No. 5, May 1989 C.S. Whisnant , M. Alsolami ,etal.


3) Indication of pionic-atom anomalies in poin- nucleus elastic scattering , Physical Review C, Volume 35 , No. 6,  June 1987 ,D. H. Wright ,M. Alsolami, etal.


4) 50 MeV Pion inelastic scattering to the 1+ doublet 12, Physical Review C, Volume 37, No. 3, May 1988 B.G.Ritchie , M. Alsolami ,etal.


5)  General petrtubative treatment of general radial potential of the form (αk/rk ) applied to harmonic oscillator and Hydrogen atom (Under process).



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