Lab. Schedule

Grading Policy

Final Exam Regulation


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PHYSICS 102 Laboratory


Section 62 Grades

SN ID Lab. Work (Out of 150) Final Exam (Out of 50) Total          (Out of 200) Final Grade (Out of 200) with Average of 140
1 212849 109 27.0 136 118
2 213417 112 16.0 128 111
3 214589 123 34.0 157 137
4 215051 130 29.0 159 139
5 222572 129 14.0 143 124
6 222608 140 46.0 186 163
7 222752 134 22.0 156 136
8 222862 W W W W
9 222946 138 43.0 181 158
10 223650 127 32.0 159 139
11 223714 125 24.0 149 130
12 223738 121 26.0 147 128
13 224536 127 28.0 155 135
14 224596 138 48.0 186 163
15 224724 128 45.0 173 151
16 225680 138 20.0 158 138
17 225732 142 45.0 187 164
18 225782 136 37.0 173 151
19 227298 128 28.0 156 136
20 227434 IC IC 115 115
21 236135 139 47.0 186 163
  Avg. 129 32 160 140
  St. Dev 9 11 20 17


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