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Lemon (1) wrote an overview on protein  metabolism and the effects of physical activity on  protein requirements.  He reviewed existing research  on protein intake for strength athletes and endurance  athletes, as well as addressed the possible negative  health concerns of high protein diets.

FINDINGS:  Overall, research on  strength athletes suggests that an optimal intake of  protein for building muscle mass is 1.7-1.8 g/kg of  bodyweight per day.  The optimal intake for  endurance athletes appears to be 1.2-1.4 g/kg of  bodyweight per day.  These recommendations are  significantly greater than the RDA of .8 g/kg and are  only valid if caloric needs are being met.  These  recommendations are also based upon research on college-aged  males consuming adequate energy intake.  Protein  requirements may be different for individuals on lower  calorie diets, females, individuals of different age  groups (such as elderly individuals, children or  adolescents experiencing rapid growth, or pregnant women),  and individuals less likely to consume an optimal mixture  of nutrients (such as vegetarians).

The idea that high protein intakes can  cause kidney problems appears to be a myth.  This  idea has been taken from research done on individuals  with preexisting kidney disorders;  however, such  research cannot be extrapolated to healthy individuals.   Numerous strength athletes consume diets extremely  high in protein;  if high protein diets caused  kidney problems, one would see a much higher prevalence  of kidney disorders in this population, which is not the  case.  In addition, animal studies utilizing very  high protein intakes have not shown kidney problems.   The increased nitrogen load placed upon the kidney  by increased protein intake does not pose a potential  threat to a healthy kidney.

When protein intake is high, water loss  may be increased due to the excretion of additional  nitrogen.  Individuals must ensure that water intake  is high to prevent dehydration.

The potential for high protein diets to  increase calcium loss appears to be only a problem in  purified protein.  The high phosphate content of  food protein negates any effect of protein on calcium.

IMPLICATIONS:  Strength athletes  should consume 1.7-1.8 g/kg body weight of protein a day,  and endurance athletes should consume 1.2-1.4 g/kg body  weight of protein a day, assuming that caloric needs are  being met.

1.  Lemon, P.W.  Is Increased  Dietary Protein Necessary or Beneficial for Individuals  with a Physically Active Lifestyle?  Nutr. Rev.   54(4):S169-S175.  1996.





Conley et al (1) reviewed research on  carbohydrate ingestion before, during, and after  resistance training and the effects on performance and  adaptations.

FINDINGS:  Not much research has  been done on the effects of carbohydrate ingestion and  its relationship to resistance training.  It is not  clear whether carbohydrate ingestion immediately prior or  during a resistance training session can enhance  performance;  currently, most of the evidence  suggest that it does not, unless the training session  involves an extremely high volume of work, where  carbohydrate availability may become a limiting factor.

Carbohydrate ingestion during or  immediately after a training session significantly  increases postexercise insulin and gH levels, and can  possibly suppress postexercise cortisol levels.  This  may have a beneficial effect on recovery and on protein  synthesis and muscle hypertrophy.  Research is  needed to see whether an effect exists.

IMPLICATIONS:  A post-workout meal  or beverage consisting of a large percentage of high-glycemic  carbohydrates may be beneficial in enhancing recovery and  may have a beneficial effect on increasing muscle size.

1. Conley, M.S. and M.H. Stone.  Carbohydrate  Ingestion/Supplementation for Resistance Exercise and  Training.  Sports Med.  21(1):7-17.  1996.





Paddon-Jones et al (1) examined the  effects of 4 different isocaloric carbohydrate meals 2  hours prior to 60-minute self-paced cycle ergometry  trials.  8 trained male cyclists were used in the  study.  Each meal consisted of 460 kcal;  the 4  meals administered to the cyclists were as follows:

  1. A semi-liquid, oat based  carbohydrate/fat/protein cereal
  2. A semi-liquid, oat based  carbohydrate cereal
  3. A semi-liquid, wheat based  carbohydrate cereal
  4. A dense solid, fructose based  carbohydrate/protein/vitamin sports bar

Cost of the meals ranged from $.50 to $2.60.   The ergometry trials were done in a random order  over 4 weeks.  Exercise and diet were standardized  prior to each trial.  The researchers measured  distance traveled, blood glucose concentration,  respiratory exchange ratio, oxygen consumption, and heart  rate during each trial.

FINDINGS:  No significant  differences were found between groups for any  measurements.

IMPLICATIONS:  High-cost sports bars  have no significant effects on endurance performance over  a standard cereal meal 2 hours prior to endurance  exercise.  Athletes can save money by eating a  carbohydrate based cereal prior to exercise without any  detrimental effect on performance.

1.  Paddon-Jones, D.J., and D.R.  Pearson.  Cost-effectiveness of pre-exercise  carbohydrate meals and their impact on endurance  performance.   J. Strength and Cond. Res.  12(2):90-94.   1998.






In a double-blind crossover study, Lemon  et al (1) examined protein requirements of novice  bodybuilders undergoing an intensive strength training  program.  12 untrained subjects received either an  isoenergetic protein supplement or a carbohydrate  supplement for 1 month while undergoing an intense, 6 day  per week, 1.5 hour per day strength training program that  was supervised by experienced bodybuilders.  The 2 1-month  treatment periods were separated by a 7 day washout  period.  Subjects receiving the protein supplement  ingested 2.62 g of protein per kg bodyweight per day,  while subjects receiving the carbohydrate supplement  ingested 1.35 g/kg.  Nitrogen balance, voluntary and  electrically evoked strength, creatinine excretion,  muscle area (measured by CAT scan), and biceps nitrogen  content were measured.

FINDINGS:  On the basis of 3-day  nitrogen balance measurements after 3.5 weeks on each  treatment, the protein intake necessary to achieve zero  nitrogen balance was approximately 1.4-1.5 g/kg per day.   Based on these results, the recommended intake was  1.6-1.7 g/kg per day.  No significant differences  were found between groups for any measurements, although  nitrogen balance was significantly more positive in the  group ingesting 2.62 g/kg of protein per day.  Subjects  ingesting 1.35 g/kg of protein per day were in a negative  nitrogen balance.

IMPLICATIONS:  In novice  bodybuilders, increasing protein intake from 1.35 g/kg  per day to 2.62 g/kg per day does not result in enhanced  gains in strength or muscle size over a 1 month period.   Further research is necessary to determine whether  enhanced gains will occur over a longer period of time.

The nitrogen balance for subjects  receiving only 1.35 g/kg per day was negative, indicating  that these subjects needed to ingest more protein.  Since  an intake of 1.4-1.5 g/kg was necessary to achieve a zero  nitrogen balance, a protein intake of 1.6-1.7 g/kg  bodyweight per day should be sufficient for strength  athletes undergoing an intensive strength training  program.

1.  Lemon, P.W.R., M.A. Tarnopolsky,  J.D. MacDougall, and S.A. Atkinson.  Protein  requirements and muscle mass/strength changes during  intensive training in novice bodybuilders.  J.  Appl. Physiol.  73(2):767-775.  1992.






Wee et al (1) took 5 male and 3 female  recreational runners and required them to run to  exhaustion at 70% VO2 max on a treadmill. They  were tested on 2 separate occasions performed 1 week  apart. On one occasion and after an overnight fast,  subjects were fed a high-glycemic carbohydrate meal 3  hours before exercise. On the other occasion, subjects  were fed a low-glycemic carbohydrate meal. Both types of  meals supplied 2 g of carbohydrate for each kilogram of  the subjects' body weight, and no difference existed  between the protein and fat content of each meal. Fasting  blood and expired air samples were collected before the  test meal was eaten. Blood samples were also taken 15  minutes, 30 minutes, and at 1, 2, and 3 hours after the  meal. Resting expired air was measured every 30 minutes.  During exercise, blood and expired air samples were taken  every 20 minutes. Air samples were used to measure  carbohydrate and fat oxidation. Blood samples were used  to measure various factors including insulin, free fatty  acids, and blood glucose.

FINDINGS:  Blood glucose peaked at  15 minutes after consumption of the high-glycemic meal  and returned to a fasting level at 3 hours. Blood glucose  did not significantly change when a low-glycemic meal was  eaten. Serum insulin peaked at 15 minutes after  consumption of the high-glycemic meal, increasing 10  times over fasting values. It was still 210% higher than  fasting values at the beginning of exercise. In constrast,  serum insulin rose slowly after the low-glycemic meal,  rising to 80-160% above fasting levels. Serum free fatty  acids and plasma glycerol decreased after both meals, but  were significantly higher after consumption of a low-glycemic  meal as compared to the high-glycemic meal. Rates of  carbohydrate oxidation were higher after the high-glycemic  meal. 49% more carbohydrate was oxidized during the 3  hours after the high-glycemic meal, and 69% more fat was  oxidized after the low-glycemic meal.

During exercise, time to exhaustion was  similar between both types of meals. The rate of  perceived exertion was lower at 60 minutes into exercise  after the low-glycemic meal. After the low-glycemic meal,  blood glucose was similar throughout exercise to pre-exercise  levels. After the high-glycemic meal, blood glucose fell  rapidly 20 minutes into exercise to values lower than at  the start of exercise. However, no subjects reported  symptoms of hypoglycemia. The low blood glucose increased  after 20 minutes.

Serum free fatty acids and plasma  glycerol was significantly higher during exercise after  the low-glycemic meal. The total amount of carbohydrate  utilized during exercise was higher after ingestion of  the high-glycemic meal. During exercise, carbohydrate  oxidation was 12% lower and fat oxidation was 118% higher  after ingestion of the low-glycemic meal. Total energy  expenditure was the same between trials.

IMPLICATIONS:  Despite the popular  recommendation to consume low-glycemic carbohydrates  before exercise, it does not appear that the type of  carbohydrate eaten 3 hours before exercise has any effect  on endurance performance. However, this study does  indicate the importance of consuming low-glycemic meals  when fat loss is the goal. Subjects oxidized  significantly less fat during rest and exercise after  eating a high-glycemic meal. The main reason for this is  that the rapid rise in blood sugar caused by eating a  high-glycemic meal causes a rapid response in insulin,  which was shown in the study. The higher insulin levels  make fat loss more difficult since insulin shuts down fat  oxidation. Thus, people interested in fat loss should  stick with low-glycemic carbohydrates and eat 5-6 small  meals (rather than the usual 2-3 large ones that many  people have) to keep insulin levels lower and more steady  throughout the day. The Glycemic  Index is a website which explains the glycemic index  and also gives a list of foods and their GI values.

Maintenance of insulin levels also has  important health implications. Chronic consumption of  high-glycemic foods, combined with a lack of exercise,  can result in chronically high levels of insulin, which  can eventually lead to insulin insensitivity and Type 2  diabetes.

1. Wee, S.-L., C. Williams, S. Gray, and  J. Horabin. Influence of high and low glycemic index  meals on endurance running capacity. Med. Sci. Sports  Exerc. 31(3):393-399. 1999.








Oliver (1) reviewed research on different types of dietary fats and their  effect on the risk of ischemic heart disease.

FINDINGS:  A number of epidemiologic surveys have found a positive  relationship between dietary fat intake and ischemic heart disease. This  has led to the assumption that reduction in total fat intake, especially  saturated fat intake, will reduce one's risk of ischemic heart disease. However,  controlled clinical trials have not been able to support this idea. Also,  a large long-term study examining the effect of reducing total and saturated  fat intake on the risk of heart disease has not been done.

Out of 6 studies looking at low-saturated fat, low-cholesterol diets  in high-risk people, 4 found no significant reduction in the risk for  heart disease (one found an adverse effect). 2 studies found a  significant beneficial effect on heart disease risk by dramatically  decreasing the intake of saturated fats and also dramatically increasing  the amount of unsaturated fats, achieving a high polyunsaturated fat to saturated  fat ratio (1.48 in one study and 1.01 in the other).

2 secondary prevention trials have looked at reducing total and saturated  fat intake in people with existing heart disease. Neither study found an  effect of reducing total and saturated fat intake on incidence of ischemic  heart disease, although these studies were small and lacked statistical power.

6 studies have looked at altering the quality of dietary fat in heart  disease patients by increasing the intake of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated  fats. Only one of these studies found no effect on rates of nonfatal  heart attacks and cardiac deaths.

2 studies have found supplementation with omega 3 fatty acids (from  fish oils) cause significant reductions in the risk for ischemic heart  disease and all-cause mortality.

Long-term research on the American Heart Association Step 1 diet (<30%  kilocalories from fat, <300 mg cholesterol/day, and  a polyunsaturated/saturated fat ratio of 1.0) has been found to be  ineffective at significantly reducing total or LDL cholesterol in  free-living populations.  The AHA Step 2 diet has been found to  be more effective, but compliance is poor since it is so stringent  (polyunsaturated/saturated fat ratio > 1.4 and cholesterol < 200 mg/day).

Overall, studies which have increased the polyunsaturated  to saturated fat ratio to greater than 1.0  have achieved reductions of serum cholesterol in the region of 15%. 

IMPLICATIONS:  It is more important to increase the intake of  polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats while decreasing the intake of saturated  fats (to achieve a high polyunsaturated fat to saturated fat ratio of >  1.0) rather than reduce total fat intake, saturated fat intake, and  cholesterol in reducing the risk of heart disease.  Good sources of  polyunsaturated fats include flaxseed oil, canola oil, and safflower oil.   Olive oil is a good source of monounsaturated fats.  Supplementation  with omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil can also help reduce heart disease  risk.

1.  Oliver, M.F. It is more important to increase the intake of  unsaturated fats than to decrease the intake of saturated fats: evidence  from clinical trials relating to ischemic heart disease.   Am. J.  Clin. Nutr. 66(suppl):980S-986S. 1997.







Katan (1) reviewed the effects of low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets and  low-saturated fat, high-unsaturated fat diets on coronary risk.  While widespread agreement exists that a high-saturated fat diet increases  heart disease risk, there is disagreement whether the reduction in saturated  fat intake should be replaced by an increase in carbohydrate  consumption or an increase in unsaturated fat consumption.

FINDINGS:  Replacement of saturated fats with either carbohydrates or  monounsaturated fats lowers total cholesterol about the same amount. Omega  6 polyunsaturated fats cause an additional lowering of total  cholesterol. Controlled studies have also found a diet with a high ratio  of polyunsaturated fats to saturated fats helps prevent heart disease.

When one lowers the amount of saturated fats and partially hydrogenated  fats in the diet, the calories lost must be made up from another source.  Three sources that can replace saturated fats are protein, carbohydrates,  and unsaturated fats.

Replacement of saturated fats by dietary protein lowers low-density-lipoprotein  (LDL) concentrations without raising very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)  concentrations and without reducing high-density lipoprotein (HDL)  concentrations. However, a high protein diet may increase the risk of  osteoporosis by possibly increasing calcium loss.

Studies have consistently found that a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet  decreases total cholesterol, but part of his decrease is a fall in HDL. Since  both LDL and HDL are lowered, the ratio of HDL to LDL remains unchanged  and thus the risk of heart disease is not changed. Research has demonstrated  that this effect is not transient and also occurs with both simple and complex  carbohydrates.

Research replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats has consistently  found an increase in the HDL to LDL ratio, reducing the risk of heart disease.

The relationship between HDL and heart disease is extremely important.  A very strong inverse relationship between HDL and heart disease risk  has been consistently found, i.e. as HDL levels go up, heart disease  risk goes down, and vice versa. Anything which reduces HDL will  increase the risk of heart disease. Thus, a high-carbohydrate diet may  potentially have an adverse effect on heart disease risk.

It is possible that a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet may have other benefits  to offset the decrease in HDL.  One possible benefit is weight loss.   However, long-term studies of these diets on weight loss have not been  very impressive, with only small decreases in body weight of 0.4-2.6 kg (.8-5.72  lbs).  This reduction in weight was not sufficient to compensate for  the decreased HDL.  Even research on obese subjects with very large  amounts of weight loss found only a very small increase in HDL for the  weight lost.  It was estimated that a 12.5 kg (27.5 lb) loss in body  weight would be needed to compensate for the lowered HDL that would  result from a 10% increase in carbohydrate intake.

IMPLICATIONS:  A diet low in saturated fat and high in unsaturated  fat may be more beneficial in preventing the risk of heart disease than a  diet low in fat and high in carbohydrate. This viewpoint is supported by  epidemiological evidence of people that consume a Mediterranean diet, which  is high in unsaturated fat and low in saturated fat; people that consume  this type of diet have been shown to have very low rates of heart disease.

1.  Katan, M.B. High-oil compared with low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets  in the preventioin of ischemic heart disease. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.  66(suppl):974S-979S. 1997.







Grundy (1) reviewed the effects of different types of fats on serum  cholesterol concentrations.

FINDINGS:  Dietary saturated fatty acids, specifically palmitic acid,  myristic acid, and lauric acid, raise serum cholesterol. These saturated  fatty acids make up about 2/3 of the saturated fatty acids in the American  diet. One saturated fatty acid, stearic acid, does not raise serum cholesterol.

Monounsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid, neither raise nor lower  serum cholesterol, although oleic acid will reduce the number of circulating  LDL particles. Carbohydrates raise VLDL cholesterol, reduce HDL, and reduce  LDL by reducing the cholesterol content of LDL particles and not by  reducing the number of circulating LDL particles.

trans monounsaturated fatty acids raise LDL-cholesterol and also may  have a small HDL-lowering effect.

Linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, will lower total and  LDL-cholesterol concentrations. However, large amounts of this fatty acid  should not be consumed, since high intakes may increase cancer risk as well  as increase the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation, increasing the risk of  heart disease.  

IMPLICATIONS:  To reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer,  intake of animal fats and trans fatty acids (partially hydrogenated  fats) should be reduced and should not make up more than 7-8% of total  caloric intake. Polyunsaturated fats high in linoleic acid should not make  up more than 7% of total caloric intake. The remaining intake from fat (about  15-16% of total kilocalories) should come from mainly monounsaturated fatty  acids, such as oleic acid in olive oil. People in the Mediterranean consume  large amounts of oleic acid and have very low rates of heart disease and  cancer.

1.  Grundy, S.M. What is the desirable ratio of saturated,  polyunsatruated, and monounsaturated fatty acids in the diet? Am. J. Clin.  Nutr. 66(suppl):988S-990S. 1997.





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