



About Me





Interests include:

Uncertinty Managment in IS Projects, Interaction between technologies and people in business organizations, Online selling, Cognition in Organizations.


PhD Dissertation:

Plan and Situated Action as a Function of Activity Category (under the supervision of Dr. Rob Duimering)

  1. Basiouni A, McNaughton R., Alojairi A., Bahamdan W Developing a Measure of Net-Enabled Business Innovation Cycle (NEBIC) Submitted.

  2. Bahamdan W, Alojairi A, Khalifi A, Basiouni A, Ulhaq H,The Dynamics of Virtual Teams: A Qualitative Social Network Approach  First round

  3. Alojairi A, Bazarah A, Bahamdan W, Basiouni A, The Dynamics of IT Workaround Practices: A Theoretical Concept and an Empirical Assessment Submitted

  4. Bahamdan W, Alhoshani K, Alojairi A, How effective is the socio technical interaction in student-centered approach? A case of Pogil

  5. Almansour, A., Basiouni, A., Alojairi, A., Bahamdan, W. (2013) Online Selling Adoption Likelihood: Empirical Analysis of Main Drivers. Proceedings of 17th Annual International Conference on Real Options: Theory and Practice, Tokyo, Japan, July 24-27 (in print).

  6. Alojairi, A., Al Sibai, E., Bokhamseen, M., Hammoud, M., Basiouni, A., BahamdanW., (2013) IT Workaround Practices: Motivations and Expectations. IEEE International Technology Management Conference & 19th ICE Conference, The Hague, the Netherland, June 24-26 (in print).

  7. Basiouni, A., and Bahamdan, W. (2012). Innovation in online selling business models: a structural equation modeling-based multigroup analysis. Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS'12) of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), Seattle, WA, USA, August 9-12.

  8. Bahamdan, W., Basiouni, A., and Alojairi, A. (2012). The impact of net-enablement capability on the decision to sell online in sectors with above-average adoption rates: a Canadian perspective. Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, and e-Government (EEE'12), Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 16-19.

  9. Bahamdan, W., Duimering, R. (2011) Plan and Situated Action Relationship as a Function of Activity Category: An Experimental Approach. In Conference proceedings of the 2011 Cognitive Science Society, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Boston p. 1099

  10. Bahamdan, W. (2009). Plan/Situated Action Relationships as a Function of Activity Category. In Conference Supplement of European Conference Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW) 2009, Sept. 2009, Vienna, Austria.

  11. Raza, S. and Bahamdan, W., “Human Identification in Information System Using Biometrics: An Enquiry Into Islamic Perspective Application”. 4th International Conference on the Role of Shari'ah Islami'iah in Accounting, Commerce & Finance, Queensland University of technology, Australia, June 2004.

  12. Fraihat, H., Bahamdan, W., “Critical Success Factors of E-payment Instruments in the Modern Business Environment”. The Symposium on Electronic Commerce, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia, February 2004.




This site was last updated 12/29/14