COURSE:         MGT 210 (Business Communication)  Pre-requisite (English 214)   Office Hours: Sunday & Tuesday  11:30 am to 1:00.     Also by special appointment      

Office telephone 4258  




TEXTBOOK:   Contemporary Business Communication, Scot Ober (Houghton-Mifflin, 2002), 5th Edition.   TEXTBOOK PUBLISHER's WEBSITE: see this website for practice tests and chapter outlines  COURSE INFO:  Management 210, Business Communication, is an important course of practical and theoretical instruction that introduces students to and prepares them for supervisory and managerial positions in business, industry, government and technology areas of work.   Since communication -- clear, precise, understandable, persuasive, useful, appropriate, confident and professional quality -- is regarded as one of the major skills for success in the world of work, the content of this course focuses on the following areas of instruction and practical in-class work. COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1) Theory of communication and the communication model and its parts, including functioning in a multi-cultural work/business environment. 2) In-depth analysis and learning of the parts of the model and tactics of implementation. 3) Speaking/Listening -- Oral presentations, meeting skills. 4) Writing Skills -- business reports, &  visuals  5) Other Important Skills -- non-verbal, cross-cultural, conflict resolution, managerial communication, job-search/interview-related communications, Internet search and research tactics.

ATTENDANCE:  The KFUPM rules regarding attendance will be strictly enforced. The grade of “DN” (which is a failing grade) will be given to students accumulating more than 6 (or 9 if the class is 50 minutes) unexcused absences (this grade will be reported immediately). Only official or medical excuses will be accepted (these excuses are approved by the University. Excuses from external institutions/hospitals are not directly acceptable. They must be approved by the University Clinic and Student Affairs). No excuse will be accepted if presented more than a week after the absence. No personal excuses will be entertained and none of these types of excuses should be advanced.

BEHAVIOR: The rules regarding cheating will be strictly enforced.  Cheating and attempts to cheat will results in “F” in the course (not only the exam), and will be reported to Student Affairs for further disciplinary action that may include dismissal from KFUPM.

  CHANGING SECTIONS:  Not allowed to switch for classes,  or exams.  You must submit your homework and assignments in YOUR section only. 

GRADES CALCULATION  Detailed percentages are:                   

 Majors 1, 2 – 17.5% each x 2 =                             35%

Final Exam (comprehensive) =                                25%

Presentation Skills   =                                              20%

 Case  =                                                                    10%

Short Report =                                                        5%

Headings & Highlighting =                                        5%            

Text Box: Course material comes from 3 areas:
1.  Textbook readings
2. Class lectures
3. Mgt 210 website pages
TOTAL =                                                              100%