DEC 19, 2004

Final Presentation Information and Tips for Success

You Must follow the 5 P's of Presentations to be successful with this assignment.


a) A written outine click here for information, which is 1 to 2 pages.

b) An oral presentation (with visual or visuals) based on the written outline.  Time limit is 5  minutes.


2.  ORGANIZATION of all parts, including Presentation Day.

a) Choose your topic well and by the due date . If you decide to do your own topic, PLEASE SPEAK WITH ME FIRST for approval.

b) Prepare your outline

c) Prepare and Practice/Preview your oral presentation according to the 5 Ps.

d) Fill in the oral evaluation sheet [I will give this to you in class at the appropriate time], staple it to your answers to the 10 questions  here .

e) Return the  final presentation evaluation sheet to me on the due date (to be announced in class).


3. IN-CLASS PROCEDURE. -- Be on time, on target and prepared.

a) Be ready on the first day.  Maybe your name will be called from the list.  If not ready, 10% off total grade.

b) Give your oral report (5 minutes maximum time limit).

c) To be polite and fair to your fellow students in the class, you MUST ATTEND on every day of the presentations.

No excuses! No Extensions!


The results for this assignment will be given to you on the day of our Final Exam.