Handout # 1


Handout # 1

The Secrets of




          In a leader, character is the solid foundation which supports all he does.

And anyone can know the leader’s character when he sees the leader’s behavior. 


          In other words, a leader really doesn’t have to be the smartest guy; he doesn’t have to be handsome or witty; and he doesn’t even have to be a great organizer. 


          Do you know why?


Because he can get thinkers, organizers and implementers to join his team; he can recruit, interview, select and hire handsome and witty staff; and, he can find management gurus and experts by the dozen, and one or two consultants and advisors.


          But, he must be wise. 


Yes, he must be wise enough to know in his mind and believe in his heart that no  action of his, no amount of recruiting skills can hire, and no amount of money can buy character.


          What I mean is,

  • money cannot buy personal honesty and sincere beliefs and behaviors. 
  • Money can’t buy moral character (Ikhlas & Taqwa).
  • For a leader to have a vision but not the proper character to show others the path toward it, well. . . it’s like a tree with decayed roots, both leafless and lifeless.  It gives no benefit to itself or others. 


          And what I believe is missing from today’s business leaders’ decisions, policies and actions is the kind of character based on moral beliefs and behaviors.


This view/vision is based on life principles that influence character and guide the leader to always do what is morally right, even when all the world and everyone in it seem to be pressuring him to do what is morally wrong. 


          You know, this is the popular “take the easy way out,” “follow the wind,” and “go along with the majority of the group.”


In this cheating way of life and work you’ll probably have to lie a little here, and do some cheating there. 


It’s the same cut-throat attitude of “business is business,” which has brought many leaders in today’s business world to their present moral degeneration.  It’s sad and regrettable, but it is also very true.




On the other hand, there’s another and BETTER WAY.  Clearly, a successful leader living a successful life, knows that he can’t hire, buy or lease powerful principles of belief and behavior like trust, honesty, fairness, kindness, respect and the courage to make the tough decisions and consciously choose to do what is – and always has been – the right thing.


Character & Leadership. p. 2





That is, before acting, the wise leader involves not only his head, but also his heart: to be a model for others, and to understand and act according ideas such as:



  • Like the tree which takes decades to grow tall, but only minutes to cut down, TRUST takes years to build up, but only seconds to destroy.


  • There is always room to improve, to change who you are into who you want to be.


  • Although we can’t control what happens to us and outside of us, we CAN control what happens INSIDE of us before we react.


  • To really understand that Taking Care of Business is really Taking Care of the People working in the Business.


  • Knowing that kindness is not weakness; instead, it is wisdom, maturity and strength.


So, the effective and successful leader must realize that everyone likes to be acknowledged and appreciated.  He gives time to people, shows patience, and always says the kind thing to guide others toward opportunities for improvement.


In conclusion, to be effective and successful, then, be a leader who consults both his head and heart.  Base your actions on the everlasting principles of character I’ve been talking about, and you’ll be the one who --  knows the secrets -- and lives the secrets -- of Character & Leadership.






Written             August 10/11, 2004 (REVISED Dec 2008)

Dr. Daniel

MGT 210 students

Now read Handout # 2

Taking Care of Business . . .





HANDOUT # 2  (from a past radio show script)



TITLE:                   Taking care of business by taking care of people: The Heart & Soul of Leadership© 2003 Dr. Daniel (revised Dec 2008)


READING TIME:     ~ 15 minutes


STYLE:                  Monologue




INTRO:                  [voice over]  This is the  [     ]  program in the series on Business, Management & Leadership Communication  They are especially focused on the issues and needs of business people in the multi-cultural environment of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Region.  However, many of these programs will benefit not only business people, but also those who wish to communicate more effectively in all aspects and roles of their lives – at home or anywhere with family and friends.



          Today, our topic takes a slightly philosophical tone, but the path, as usual, is straight toward practical advice that applies to your everyday job and life.


          If you believe that our future will be determined by the excellence of our leaders, then they will be judged not only by how they took care of business.  More importantly, their achievements will be judged by how well they took care of THE PEOPLE working in the business.


          That’s why this program is called The Heart and Soul of Leadership.

And that’s why I developed what I call the Pathway to Success.  It includes 3 elements, only three.  They are: Head, Heart and Hand – sometimes called Triple H. 

That means Thinking, Feeling and Action in that order, all holistically combined and synergized to tap into our powerful human qualities.


First, Head.  This is staying with the facts, doing proper research, asking the right questions, thinking before acting, using your mind, and gathering knowledge.

These are some of the qualities of Head.



The Heart & Soul of Leadership – p 2



          But focusing attention only on this element alone is not enough.  Just think about yourself as a person.  Are you only logical?  Do you only think and that’s it? 

Of course not.


          However, thinking and knowledge without feeling and emotional understanding, is the path to failure.


          So, we need the next step along the Pathway to Success which is Heart. 


                   After gathering information, thinking, and staying with the facts, start using the powers of your Heart.  Listen for the feelings behind the facts when someone speaks with you; communicating your own feelings at meetings and presentations, for example, really helps to create strong and lasting relationships.


         But, just being emotional (Heart) without logical guides and rules (Head), without positive physical action will be a disaster in business.  Even when you are looking out for the well-being of your employees, all three elements must be working together.


         Otherwise, you will lose your way.  You will stray off the Pathway to Success and end up on the Road of Failure and Regret.


That’s why you need the 3rd element – Hand.

Implementing the plan, following up on the new idea and doing, checking and correcting . . . these are the qualities of Hand.  This is putting the thinking, feeling and learning into visible skills.  It’s taking action after Head and Heart.       



                                                                            go to p. 3




The Heart & Soul of Leadership – p. 3





          The faster, cheaper, shortcut way of doing business and dealing with people just doesn’t work.  In fact, this is one of the lessons being learned around the world today in the biggest global companies.  So many have realized that this way of thinking  has not resulted in a better future.  It has brought NO FUTURE really.  

Question: What are the results of forgetting that the Head, Heart and Hand MUST working together, that they complement one another? 

Answer: Just look at the news: CEOs and businessmen on trial, bankrupt corporations and billions of dollars lost.  







          In contrast, the kind of leadership I’m describing is based on Truth, Caring, and Common Concern for the good of everyone. 

And this approach is more than the usual, well-known “Win-Win” strategy. 


          Why?  Because, in the paradigm of Head, Hand and Heart, there is no contest or game to WIN.  There is no “Us” and “Them.”  To be truly successful . . .

there is only “We.”  Use Sharing, Building, Communicating, and Satisfying.  For everyone involved.


          You as the leader need to adopt the following traits and attitudes if you wish to travel the Pathway to Success that I’m talking about.


·        First, the Pathway to Success Leader must be optimistic.  Look for opportunities to improve, especially when things don’t go quite right.

 Learn from the setbacks and mistakes, and teach the lessons to your employees.


The Heart & Soul of Leadership – p. 4



·        Second, get to know your people.  Work with them, even if it means “getting your hands dirty.”


          Let me tell you a quick story to illustrate.  One of the biggest leadership acts I even saw happened after the president of a large multi-national company finished his luncheon speech, in the company’s cafeteria.  After most the employees had gone, the cleaning crew started their work. This top executive noticed something wasn’t quite right.  He spoke to one of the staff, and he began helping them clear away dirty dishes, because several service personnel were out sick that day.  That’s real teamwork. He cared more about helping to get the job done, rather than worrying about his “face” in front of the people.  In fact, he increased his “face” by helping out – but this kind of action will only work if the other people ALSO HAVE THE RIGHT ATTITUDE ABOUT THEMSELVES, LIFE, and WORK.


·        Third, to create the Right Attitude, you have to be both results and people oriented.  The Pathway to Success leader communicates the vision and inspires his followers to reach goals and achieve results.  But, along the way, he always remembers to encourage the people, to show that he believes in them and recognizes their efforts and accomplishments.  In fact, he touches many important aspects of their lives well beyond their work, salary and benefits.



Again, understand me clearly.  I don’t mean he’s the great father figure.  No.  He builds up self-awareness, self-motivation, and self-esteem of employees and sees more in them they sometimes they can see in themselves.


·        Fourth, they do what they say.  In slang we sometimes call it walking the talk.  They are role models.  They constantly ask themselves if they are doing the right things, AND if they are doing them right.



·        Finally,  the Pathway to Success leaders live and act according to the  principle that what hurts one hurts all – So, they refuse to participate in the “Us and Them” mentality where someone loses and someone wins.  Where someone is up and someone is down.


Heart and Soul of Leadership, p. 5


As I noted earlier in the program, real success is in the “We “attitude.  Sharing, Building, Communicating, and Satisfying.  For everyone involved.  I believe this is so important for our future.  Because what happens 10 20 or 30 years from now will be defined by the kind of leadership we demonstrate NOW to those who are following and will follow after us.


With this in mind, let us start today in putting our Heads, Hearts and Hands together and take the first steps along the Pathway to Success, so that our coming generations will have a better and brighter future.


Thanks for listening, and tune in again next week.



MGT 210 students:


Handout # 3

The Islamic Way of TRIPLE H.













Written 2003

Dr. Daniel



Handout # 3


THE ISLAMIC WAY of TRIPLE H © 2003  Dr. Daniel


          The Head, Heart and Hand approach  to managerial communication and leadership is based on the Truth, Caring, and Common Concern for the good of everyone.  An explanation is found in the hadeeth conveyed by Nu’man ibn Bashir who related that the Prophet said:


The Muslims in their mutual love, kindness and compassion

                   are like the human body where when one of its parts

is in agony, the entire body

feels the pain both in sleeplessness and fever

(Bukhari and Muslim)


          This approach is more demanding and more powerful than the ubiquitous “win-win” negotiation and communication strategies promulgated by so many management authors.  In Head, Heart and Hand ( HHH), there is no contest or game to WIN.  There is no “us” and “them,” or even two sides.  There is only WE – sharing, building, communicating, satisfying. In the HHH approach, pleasing Allah through intentions and actions, in work and life situations, is the supreme goal and upon which all strategies and tactics focus.



          You as the leader, the manager, or the supervisor can look for opportunities to adopt the traits of the Head, Heart and Hand approach to communication in everyday situations.

1. Look for opportunities to improve, especially when things do not go quite right.  Accept and integrate into your behavior the valuable “lessons learned” from your own setbacks and mistakes.  Take the example of Prophet Musa who was sent to Pharaoh to communicate the message of Allah’s Omnipotence. The Pharaoh tries to denigrate Musa’s mission and character by reminding him of his past killing of an Egyptian.  Musa admits his mistake, having done it in haste and anger. 



Islamic Way of Triple H, p. 2


He repented, learned and corrected himself, and Allah gave him the judgment and wisdom of a prophet and messenger, all clearly stated in this verse of Quran:



Moses said: “I did it  then, when I was

In error.

So I fled from you (all)

When I feared you; but my Lord has (since)

Invested me with judgment (and wisdom)

And appointed me as one of the messengers.” 


Quran (Sura Shu’araa, 26,19-21)



2. Get to know your people.  Work with them, even if it means getting your hands dirty. The following gained will be the result of your leadership act of Head, Hand, and Heart.  For example, in the Battle of the Trench, the Prophet joined his companions in the digging of the channel, and when the first masjid was being constructed in Madinah, just after the hijrah, the Messenger of Allah himself carried mud bricks and stones.  As the Muslims labored, they sang ballads and songs and the Prophet joined them.  As Bashier points out, his personal sharing with the Sahaba intensified their enthusiasm and efforts; in fact, they were overjoyed with the Prophet’s participation as they sang


If we sat back while the Prophet labored,

that would be our most misguided action.


3. You have to be both results and people-oriented.  The Pathway to Success leader who uses Head, Hand and Heart communicates the vision and inspires followers to reach goals and achieve results.  But, along the way, always remember to encourage them, to show belief in them and recognize their efforts and accomplishments.  Simply stated, this kind of HHH communicator “takes care of business, by taking caring of people.”  In fact many important aspects of their lives well beyond their work, salary and benefits are touched upon in this method.

This does not mean acting out the paternalistic style of management.  Quite the opposite approach is embraced as the HHH communicator builds up the self-awareness,

Islamic Way of Triple H, p. 3


self-motivation, and self-esteem in employees and sees more in them then they sometimes can see in themselves.


          Studies of the early history of Islam and the events that shaped the Madinah community,  show that in conjunction with Divine assistance the Prophet’s positive influence with his followers most likely arose from his leadership and communication style which always sought to uplift, respect and instruct. 


          An analysis of this in Bashier’s study explains that “He sought to exalt and improve his companions and lead them toward their self-realization of what was best and most worthy within themselves.  It is no wonder, then, that he was so honored, loved and obeyed,” and that his people-oriented perspective and method garnered such impressive results from his followers.



4. Another quality is doing what you say.  In slang it is called “walking the talk.”  Being a role model is not easy; it is a 24/7 responsibility at and away from the office in all aspects of life.  That is why the Muslim manager/leader is guided by


enjoin what is Just, and forbid what is wrong:

And bear with patient constancy

Whatever comes to you: for this

Is firmness (of purpose) in (the conduct of) things

Quran (Sura Luqman, 31,17)


and is asked about his integrity of word and deed by Allah in


O you who believe! Why do you say that

Which you do not do?

Quran (Sura al-Saff, 61,2)


To paraphrase a Stephen Covey statement on management and leadership, constantly ask yourself not only if you are taking action and doing it correctly; but, ask yourself if you are thinking about and working on the correct things in the first place. 


Islamic Way of Triple H, p. 4


The image of behavior for Muslims, mirrored in the intentions and actions of the Prophet, are summed up in praise given to him by Allah:


And truly, you (O Muhammad) are on

an exalted standard of character

Quran (Sura Al-Qalam, 68,4)


As described in al-Mubarakpuri’s biography of the Prophet, “those were the attributes and qualities that the Prophet enjoyed which made the hearts and souls of the people close to him, draw near to him and love him.”


5.  Lastly, the HHH communicator lives and acts according to the Islamic belief that what hurts one hurts all, and what helps one helps all.  So, refuse to participate in the win-lose or even the win-win mentality of “Us and Them” for reasons described earlier.  That is the wisdom found in two hadeeths spoken by the Prophet.  The first a specific principle of interpersonal oral communication, is found in a hadeeth communicated by Ibn Umar who relates that the Prophet said:


In a company of three persons, two should not

hold confidential talk excluding the third. (Bukhari and Muslim)


                                                  [Riyadh-us-Saleheen, Vol. 2, #1598, p.778]


The result of excluding one person is very clearly prohibited in the Quran (Sura Al-Mujadila 58:10), and is useful advice to follow in office dialogs and customer meeting situations.


The second, a general code of behavior reported by Anas who related that the Prophet said:


By the One in whose hand there stands my life, nobody (truly) believes

until he loves for his brothers what he loves for himself (Agreed.).


[Mishkat-ul-Masabih, Vol. 1, #59, p. 292]





Islamic Way of Triple H, p. 5





To conclude this article, it is emphasized that in today’s business environment and world of work, it is far too easy to forget that in all we do, we must remain Muslim.  That means submitting to the Will of Allah, the teachings, advice, injunctions and admonitions of Islam and the forgiveness, mercy, blessings and peace that arise from sincere worship. 

Particularly,  communicating as a Muslim manager is not an unattainable or theoretical concept. Instead, the Quran and hadeeth provide a wealth of practical examples and illustrations that can be applied to real-world communication situations and challenges.  The key is to understand their value, apply their teachings of wisdom, and make their lessons an inspiration to “take care of the business by taking care of the people.”


MGT 210 students

Now read Handout # 4


                                 This is the Islamic Way of Triple H.







Handout # 4




          Success and happiness are all in the way you think, feel and act.  All the time, and every time.  That’s why TRIPLE H is the guide.

          According to a famous story, there was an expert carpenter named Bob.  He worked for Jim, a very successful civil engineer for nearly 30 years.  But one day, Bob said that he wanted to retire.


          Jim thanked Bob for all his outstanding work, and gave him a $1,000 bonus.  “What are you going to do Bob when you retire?”  Bob answered that he wanted to find a piece of land and build a nice small house for himself and his family.


          Jim then asked Bob if he would help him build one last house before he left and retired.

          Bob was bitterly disappointed at the small bonus of $1,000, but he saw the architect’s plans for a beautiful house with a magnificent view and he wanted to build it as his last project.


          Bob always prided himself on his very fine quality workmanship and commitment to quality, but he was so angry and disappointed. His heart was not in it.


          So, in a kind of revenge, without thinking clearly, he cheated on the cement for the foundation and put the extra money in his own pocket.


          He ignored details and his workmanship was poor. He thought of it as a way to punish Jim for the small cash bonus.  He just didn’t care.

          When the house was finished Jim paid Bob as usual for his carpentry work, and he gave him an envelope with a thank-you card.


          Bob was even more sad and upset -- until he look inside the card and found the deed of ownership to the house he had just built!  Jim gave Bob the house as a gift!


Bob was filled with shame. If he'd known he was building his own retirement house – a gift from his boss Jim – and a place he would live in for the rest of his life, he would have been so much more honest and attentive to detail. 






                                                                                      go to p. 2






The House, p. 2




THE POINT?  What we think, feel and do is the house we live in. They’re our life and our character.  Those are built from our daily actions and choices.


  • Tricks on others, not taking responsibility and disrespect for rules and truth will make us end up like the poor carpenter, Bob.  We will be hurting ourselves.


  • Whenever we take shortcuts to get us through the days, we are really CHEATING OURSELVES.


  • Whenever we put in less than our best, we create a future full of creaky floors, leaky roofs and crumbling foundations.


MGT 210 students

Now read Handout #5

Being and Staying Positive

TRIPLE H reminds us, coaches us, and guides us to the highest quality of life and work.  Put it into action in your daily life to “build” yourself a palace of best thoughts and actions for today and tomorrow.  You’ll be glad you did.  Now and in the future.


















TITLE:                   Benefits of Being and Staying Positive


READING TIME:     ~ 5 minutes



          When we think of a leader that we admire, or a friend who has an outlook on life that makes him kind of special, the usual reason is his positive attitude about everything that he does and everything that happens to him.  In the Quran remember the verse [After Hardship, Comes Relief, After Hardship, Comes Relief – Chapter # 94, Verses 5-6].


          In our own work at in our lives there are times when a positive attitude would go a long way in making things seem a little better, a little brighter and easier to take.  But how can we do it when frustration, anger or sadness are drowning us in their negative powers?


          Well, it’s not easy to be positive all the time.  We have to set proper goals and we have to work hard to achieve them.  It takes practice and the right outlook on life.  But, to get started on the road to a positive attitude and to stay on it, let’s look at a few tips that you can begin using today, right now.



INFLUENCE OTHERS – When you are positive, people around you are positively influenced.


GAIN INTEREST IN YOUR IDEAS – A positive attitude changes the impression other people get of you.  If you were ignored before, your positive attitude can make you more welcomed and liked.


STRENGTHEN LEADERSHIP – A leader (at work, home, anywhere) with a positive attitude keeps followers following longer and more loyally.


FULFILL GOALS – People can reach their potential more easily when you have a positive attitude about them.  They will also help YOU to achieve and reach your goals.


MOTIVATE OTHERS – Your positive attitude motivates others by releasing their creative energy and making them want to improve.


INSTILL CONFIDENCE – The positive energy you show gives others more confidence in themselves, in their work, and in YOU.

MGT 210 Students:

Now read Handout # 6

Dealing with our Problems.





















Dealing Positively and Successfully With Problems


We Can All Learn Something Important from a Carrot, Egg & Coffee Beans

(a follow up to “Being and Staying Positive”)

          Yes, a carrot, an egg and coffee beans. All of them are affected by the extreme difficulty of being boiled.  It seems negative to be boiled.  But . . . the results can also be beneficial and different.  The same is for us as people, if we pay attention to the Lessons of a Carrot, an Egg & Coffee Beans.


First the carrot.


          When the carrot stays in boiling water, several different results can happen. 


          But will you let the boiling water (meaning your problems, frustrations, difficulties) affect you negatively or positively?  For example,


Ø      a carrot in boiling water can become too soft and mushy if it stays in the water too long. 

Ø      Not enough time, and the carrot stays hard and difficult to chew. 

Ø      But, just the right time and the carrot is very useful, very tasty – a real benefit.


          Well, if we are negative, then we can become so careless, weak and lifeless when we face our problems.  Or, we can be positive about our situation and emerge more flexible, understanding, compassionate and grateful for the chance to learn and show our patience.

          Really it’s your choice – negative or positive.


And the lesson in the egg?


Problems and disappointments/frustrations can be like the boiling water.  You, the egg, can become over cooked and too hard.  That is, you can become more distrusting and suspicious of others, pessimistic, not sensitive and unavailable to others. This is negative.


Or, you can choose the positive benefits of troubles and problems by becoming better, stronger, tougher and wiser – learning lessons from mistakes, for example. The “boiling water” of successfully solving problems has turned you into something useful to others; something more valuable than before.  You have learned and can teach others from your own personal experience.






Problems, p. 2



And the coffee beans?


          Like the coffee beans, we can become lost in the “hot water.”  The flavor and soul of the beans completely lost in the brown liquid.  Meaning that your internal spirit, your personality, your energy is lost.  You let the problem “drown” YOU. That’s negative.


          Instead, be positive.


Ø      Remember that the beans are an essential ingredient and the power of those beans (the oils, the taste, the acid) are really what make the boiling water become something valuable when the beans are ground and are mixed with it. 

Ø      It’s the same for you. 

Ø      Your personality, your intelligence mixes with the problem, you think of a solution, you move forward – learning, growing. 

Ø      You leave the problem behind as a positive lesson to learn from, not something negative sitting on your head all the time and forever.


MEANING – Either we can lose ourselves completely in negative thoughts and behaviors.  Or, we can choose to learn from dealing with a problem. So, professionally transform your lives into something better, by using the following tips:



1st.    The first step to turn problems into pleasures is to get out of the “hot water” as quickly as possible. Don’t dwell on the problem.  Concentrate on the solution.




Ø      If you failed at something important to you, search for the reason and fix it. Remember the wrong way and the right way for next time.  Then, when the next time comes, you’ll be successful at the same thing.

Ø      If someone died or is sick in your family.  Grieve, feel sorry for them and you, but move on. Don’t define your life by misfortune.  Keep the happy, fun memories of that person with you instead.  This is also advice for other people you know who have the same problem.

Ø      If you missed a deadline, analyze the root cause for being late.  Promise yourself that in the future you’ll finish even sooner than the deadline.  Plan, Prepare and Deliver for success.








Problems, p. 3



2nd   “Learn and Leave it.”  Force yourself to take a lesson from the mistake or problem, then leave it behind.  You will have valuable experience this way.  If you let the problem “drown you” then you lost a chance to improve and grow.


A very wise man once said, “The problem is not the problem; it’s the way you THINK about the problem that’s the REAL problem.


Ø      Think of your problem as a chance to learn.

Ø      Think about your problem as a chance to show others how you can overcome difficulties.

Ø      Think about your problem as a challenge that will make you wiser, better, smarter and more valuable to you and to your family, and to the world (no joke).



3rd   Draw on inner strengths, the people who love you, and your faith. These will help you transform your life into something better. Formulate a vision for a more purposeful life filled with people and experiences that will help you become more fulfilled.


          HOW?  By thinking, feeling and doing TRIPLE H, of course.


          Finally, remember this famous phrase and agree upon it :



EVERY DAY, IN EVERY WAY,                                                                                              

    So I’ll go and do it, not tomorrow, but today.

This is the Last Handout.


Read, Remember, Think, Feel & Do.


InshaAllah there will great success for me and YOU!