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Research Interest


       Laser induced fluorescence and absorption techniques for identification and measurements of species.  Experimental techniques for measuring temperatures, velocities, pressures and concentrations.  Optical techniques for species identification in combustion gases.  Spectral analysis.  Gas chromatography.  Chemical kinetic modeling of flames.  Thermal system optimization based on the second law of Thermodynamics.  Energy storage analysis.  Internal combustion engines.  Air pollutant reductions in engines emissions.  Fuels and effects of octane and cetane numbers on engines performance.  Numerical solution for droplet burning.  Flame spread in fabric sheets.  Computer applications for modeling thermal systems.  Desiccant application in air conditioning.


Funded Projects:

Hybrid Liquid desiccant Based Vapor Compression Cooling System.

Carburization and Metal Dusting Failures of High Temperature Alloys.

Energy and Exergy Analysis of Food Drying Processes

Design of a Device to Reduce Pollution of Automotive Exhaust Emissions

Experimental measurements of the research octane numbers (RON) of the reformate and naphtha feed.


Thesis and Dissertations:

1.Thesis: “Modeling of Chemical Kinetics of Methane/Nitrogen Dioxide/Oxygen Flames,” by R. W. Ahmed, Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 1990 - Advisor/Chairman of Thesis Committee.

2. Master Thesis: “Prediction of Species Concentration and Temperature Profile in Methanol Oxygen and Argon Flame,” by Mohammed Yaqub, Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 1990 - Thesis Committee Member.


3. Master Thesis: “Optimal Assessment of Using Solar and Wind Power for Desalination on the Eastern Coast of Saudi Arabia,” by Basel Ismail, Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 1992 - Thesis Committee Member.


4. Master Thesis: “Heat Mechanisms Governing Laser Metal Interactions,” by Muhammed Sami, Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 1993 - Thesis Committee Member.


5. Master Thesis: “Hybrid Liquid Desiccant Based Air-Condition System, by C. S. Khalid Ahmed, Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 1996 - Thesis Committee Member.


6. Master Thesis: “Analysis of Heat Transfer of Pulsating Flow,” by Semiu Gbadebo, Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 1996 - Thesis Committee Member.


7. Master Thesis: “Heat and Mass Transfer Analysis of Pipeline,” by Syed Younas Ahmad, Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 1997 - Thesis Committee Member.


8. Master Thesis: “Low Temperature Hot Corrosion of Ni and CO base Alloys Under Thermal Cyclic Conditions,” by Shaik Palur A. Hussain, Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 1997 - Thesis Committee Member.


9. Master Thesis: “Exhaust Emissions from Formulated Automotive Fuels,” by Ali Al-Dawood, Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 1998 - Advisor/Chairman Thesis Committee.


10. Master Thesis: “Heat and Mass Transfer Analysis of Liquid Desiccant - Air Contact System in a Gauze-Type Structured Packing Tower, by Musaad Ali Al-Mutairi, Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 2000 – Thesis Committee Member.


11. Ph. D. Dissertation: “Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Around and Inside a Liquid Sphere,” by Mohammed Antar, Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 1996 - Advisor/Chairman Thesis Committee.


12. Ph. D. Dissertation: “Investigation of Stall Characteristics,” by K. Abidogun  – Member.


13. Ph. D. Dissertation: “Carburization and Meal Dusting Failure of High Temperature Materials in Chemical and Petrochemical Plants,” by Ruchuan Yin – Member.


14. Master Thesis: “Investigation of Heat and Moisture,” by M. Hussain- Member

15. Master Thesis: “A Study of Dehumidification and Regeneration Processes in a Hybrid Cooling System,"- Advisor/Chairman Thesis Committee.