Preparation for Exam 2


ü     Review all definitions (bold-face words)

ü     Make sure you understand how to find basis for the solution space of a homog system (p254)

ü     Make sure you know how to find the reduced-echelon form

ü     Make sure you know how to find the inverse of a matrix by applying seq. of row operations

ü     Make sure you know how to solve any linear system by cramer's rule

ü     Make sure you know how to show that a set of functions is linearly independent by Wronskian.

ü     Make sure you understand the contents of p167-p170 (3 possibilities - equal number of equations and variables).

ü     Make sure you know how to evaluate a determinant by using cofactor expansion.

ü     Make sure you know all prop. of determinant (prop1-prop7 p202) and eq14 and eq15 page 207

ü     Make sure you understand how to solve a homog. linear differential equations with constant coeff (3-cases: distinct real-repeated real - complex)

ü location of the exam: Bld-54 close to Ryiadh Bank

ü Time: After Maghreb prayer ( 6:15 PM)