Assane Lo

Graduate Student.

Mathematics Department,

University of Arizona.

Office: MTL 120


Phone: (520)621-2138


My scholarly interest ranges from Analysis, Geometric Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Probability theory, and applications to Statistical Physics and Euclidean Field Theory. My current research in Mathematical Physics involves the study of direct methods for integrals and operators of the type that appear naturally in Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Euclidean Field Theory.


  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with minor in physics from the University of Dakar, Senegal in 1999.
  • Ecole Normal Superieur of Dakar 1999-2000.
  • Ph.D in Mathematics, University of Arizona (Expected May 2007).

Courses Taught

  • Vector Calculus (Math 223-02) Spring 07 , Fall 06.
  • Calculus II (Math 129) Spring 06, Fall 05.
  • Calculus I (Math 124) Spring 05.
  • Element of Calculus (Math 113) Fall 04, Spring 04.
  • College Algebra (Math 110) Winter Session 2006-2007, Summer 05, Summer 04,Fall 03, Summer 03, Spring 03, Fall 02.


The University of rizona (old picture)