Building a Balanced Binary Search Tree


Objectives of this lecture

q       Lean how to construct a balanced binary search tree from an ordered list of data items


The Problem

q       Suppose that we have a list of data items already sorted (say in a file or a linked list).

q       If we wish to make a search on this list of items (or other operations such as add, change, delete, etc. ), then it would be better if we could form a binary search tree.

q       However, if we do this using the insert function we saw earlier, then the resulting list will be a chain.

q       Thus, we need another insert function that will generate a BST that is as bushy as possible.

q       For example, for ordered list of 31 values, we wish to form the following complete tree.



q       Notice from the above figure that:

Ø      The labels of the leaves are all odd

Ø      The labels of the nodes 1 label above the leaves is divisible by 2 = 21

Ø      The labels of the nodes 2 labels above the leaves is divisible by 4 = 22

Ø      The labels of the nodes 3 labels above the leaves is divisible by 2 = 23



q       Thus, generally, we have the following:

q       If a complete BST is labeled inorder, then each node is exactly n labels above the leaves, where n is the highest power of 2 divisible by the label.



q       The following figure shows how such a balanced BST may be constructed for a general case where the size of the ordered list is not known.



q       Notice that to establish future links, we need only remember pointers to one node on each label, the last node processed on that level.

q       We can achieve this construction by using an array called lastnode to hold these pointers.

q       As each new node arrives, it is clearly the largest so far, so we could set its right pointer to NULL (at least temporarily). 

q       Its left pointer is also NULL if it is a leaf node, otherwise, it is the entry in the array lastnode which is one label lower than the new node.

q       We can treat the leaves in the same way as other nodes if we place each pointer at level+1 in the lastnode where level is its actual level, so that the leaves are on level 1 and we set lastnode[0] to be NULL.


q       Also when a node arrives, it may be the right child of some previous node or the left child of a node that is yet to arrive.  We can tell which case occurs by checking the array lastnode. 

q       If the level of this new node is denoted by level, then the level of its parents would be lavel+1.  So we check the node at lastnode[level+1].  If its right link is still NULL, then its right child must be the new node, if not, then its right child has already arrived and the new node must be the left child of some future node.


q       The following implement the above ideas.


/* Insert: insert newnode as the rightmost node of a partial tree.

Pre:   newnode is a valid pointer of an entry to be inserted into the

          binary search tree.

Post: newnode has been inserted as rightmost node of a partial binary

         search tree.

Uses: Power2.


void Insert(TreeNode *newnode, int count, TreeNode *lastnode[])


    int level = Power2(count) + 1;

    newnode->right = NULL;

    newnode->left = lastnode[level-1];

    lastnode[level] = newnode;

    if (lastnode[level+1] && !lastnode[level+1]->right)

        lastnode[level+1]->right = newnode;



q       The following are the helper functions used by Insert function above


#define     ODD(x)  ((x)/2*2 != (x))


/* Power2: find the highest power of 2 that divides count.

Pre:   x is a valid integer.

Post: The function finds the highest power of 2 that divides x;

          requires x != 0.


int Power2(int x)

{  int level;

    for (level = 0; !ODD(x); level++)

        x /= 2;

    return level;



Connecting the branches

q       We notice that if the number of nodes is not a power of two minus 1 (2n-1) such as 31, by the end of the insertion process, some branches would not be linked to the main tree.

q       That is, we would have some nodes whose right child is still NULL even though further nodes that belongs to their right subtrees have arrived.

q       The pointers of such nodes are all in the array lastnode.

q       To tie things up, the right child of any node in lastnode that is currently NULL is set to the highest node in lastnode that is not already in its left subtree.


/* ConnectSubtrees: connect free subtrees from lastnode[].

Pre:   The nearly completed binary search tree has been initialized. The

          array last-node has been initialized and contains the information

          needed to complete the binary search tree.

Post: The binary search tree has been completed.


void ConnectSubtrees(TreeNode *lastnode[])

{  TreeNode    *p;

    int     level, templevel;


    for (level = MAXHEIGHT-1; level > 2 && !lastnode[level]; level--)

        ;                           /* Find the highest node: root.     */


    while (level > 2) {             /* Levels 1 and 2 are already OK.   */

        if (lastnode[level]->right)

            level--;                /* Search for highest dangling node.*/

        else {                      /* Right subtree is undefined.      */

            p = lastnode[level]->left;

            templevel = level - 1;

            do {            /* Find highest entry not in left subtree.  */

                p = p->right;

            } while (p && p == lastnode[--templevel]);

            lastnode[level]->right = lastnode[templevel];

            level = templevel;





Finding the root

q       After connecting all the branches, we can use the following function to find the root node.


/* FindRoot: find root of tree (highest entry in lastnode).

Pre:   The array lastnode contains pointers to the occupied levels of

          the binary search tree.

Post: Return a pointer to the root of the newly created binary search



TreeNode *FindRoot(TreeNode *lastnode[])

{  int level;


    for (level = MAXHEIGHT-1; level > 0 && !lastnode[level]; level--)


    if (level <= 0)

        return NULL;


        return lastnode[level];


Putting them all together

q       The following function makes use of the above functions to perform the building process.


/* BuildTree: build nodes from GetNode into a binary tree.

Pre:   The binary search tree pointed to by root has been created.

Post: The tree has been reorganized into a balanced tree.

Uses: GetNode, Insert, ConnectSubtrees, FindRoot.


TreeNode *BuildTree(void)


    TreeNode *newnode;

    int count = 0;                  /* number of nodes so far               */

    int level;                      /* number of steps above leaves         */

    TreeNode *lastnode[MAXHEIGHT];  /* pointers to last node on each



    for (level = 0; level < MAXHEIGHT; level++)

        lastnode[level] = NULL;


    while ((newnode = GetNode()) != NULL)

        Insert(newnode, ++count, lastnode);


    newnode = FindRoot(lastnode);


    return newnode;                 /* Return root of the tree. */




q       The binary tree building process described above is not always completely balanced.  If there are 32 nodes for example, then node 32 will become the root and all the 31 remaining nodes will be in its left subtree.  Thus, the leaves are five steps from the root.

q       The root could be chosen such that most of the leaves would be four steps from it and only one leave would be five steps.  Thus, at most one comparison more than necessary will usually be done by this method which is not very high price to pay in binary search..