Binary Trees – An Introduction


Objectives of this lecture

q       Introduce Binary trees and learn about some of its general operations

q       Study a special type of binary tree called Expression tree.


Introduction to Binary trees

q       Linked lists have great flexibility advantages over arrays, but they have one major weakness – they are sequential lists.

q       In this lecture and the next, we shall overcome these disadvantages by studying another set of data structures called binary trees

q       A binary tree is either empty, or it consists of a node called the root together with two binary trees called the left subtree and the right subtree

q       Thus in a binary tree, a node can have zero, one or at most two branches.  The terms parent and child are usually used to describe the relationship between nodes in a tree.  Nodes that do not have any children are called leaves (leaf for single).

q       A binary tree with only one node consists of a root node and empty left and right subtrees.  Thus, it has a unique representation.

q       However, there are many representations for a binary tree with more than one node.

q       A binary tree with two nodes can be represented in either of the following ways.



q       q      Notice that a child must be drawn to be either a left or a right child.  i.e. we should never represent a binary tree as follows:


q       For the case of a binary tree with three nodes, one of them must be the root and the remaining will be distributed among right and left subtrees in one of the following ways:

 2+0              1+1        0+2


q       Since there are two binary trees with two nodes, these partitions give rise to the following six possible representations:


Exercise:  Construct all the fourteen binary trees with four nodes.


Traversal of a binary tree

q       One of the most important operations on a binary tree is traversal – visiting each node

q       There are many different ways in which we could traverse a tree.  If we denote the task of visiting the root by V, traversing left subtree by L and that of right subtree by R, then we have the following six different traversal methods:



q       By adopting the standard convention of visiting the left before the right, the above can be reduced to tree as follows:









Example:   Consider the following tree









q       Traversal of the above tree in the three different orders gives:

Preprder:  1 2 3 4 5

Inorder:    1 4 3 5 2

Postorder: 4 5 3 2 1


Expression Tree

q       Binary tree has many forms and applications.  One form of binary tree is the Expression tree which is very important in compiler construction.

q       An expression tree is defined as a binary tree that is built up from arithmetical or logical expression by placing the operands as the leave nodes and the operators as the interior nodes.


q       For each binary operator, the left subree consists of its left operand and the right subtree consists of its right operand.

q       For unary operators, one of the subtrees is empty.

q       The following figure shows some simple expression trees together with a slightly more complicated example of quadratic formula.


q       Notice that the names: preorder, Inorder, and Postorder are actually derived from prefix, infix and postfix expressions respectively.

q       The following table shows the result of traversing these trees in the three different orders.


Implementation of Binary Trees:

q       In addition to the three different traversal operations, others basic operations on binary trees are: CreateTree, ClearTree and EmptyTree.  These can be implemented easily using recursion as follows:


typedef struct treenode TreeNode;


typedef struct treenode {

    TreeEntry  entry;

    TreeNode *left;

    TreeNode *right;

} TreeNode;


 /* CreateTree:  create a tree.

Pre:   None.

Post: An empty binary search tree has been created and root point

s to it.


void CreateTree(TreeNode **root)


    *root = NULL;



 /* TreeEmpty:  TRUE if the tree is emtpy.

Pre:   The tree to which root points has been created.

Post: The function returns the value TRUE or FALSE according as

 the tree is empty or not.


Boolean TreeEmtpy(TreeNode *root)


    return root == NULL;



 /* Preorder: visit each node of the tree in preorder.

Pre:  The binary tree to which root points has been created.

Post: The function Visit has been performed on every entry in the

 binary tree in preorder sequence.


void Preorder(TreeNode *root)


  if (root) {

    Visit(root->entry); //to be defined by the application






 /* Inorder: visit each node of the tree in inorder.

Pre:  The binary tree to which root points has been created.

Post: The function Visit has been performed on every entry in the

 binary tree in inorder sequence.


void Inorder(TreeNode *root)


  if (root) {


    Visit(root->entry);  //to be defined by the application





 /* Postorder: visit each node of the tree in postorder.

Pre:  The binary tree to which root points has been created.

Post: The function Visit has been performed on every entry in the

 binary tree in postorder sequence.


void Postorder(TreeNode *root)


  if (root) {



    Visit(root->entry);  //to be defined by the application





Try Exercises E1-E8 of pages 393-394 of your book.