Review of Stack ADT 


Objectives of this lecture

q       Review the Stack ADT & Its Implementation



q       Recall that Stack is a data structure in which data is added and removed at only one end, the top, so that the last item to be inserted is always the first to be removed (LIFO)

q       It has so many applications in various areas of computer science such as Operating systems, Compiler construction, etc.

q       Its basic operations are: CreateStack, ClearStack, FullStack, EmptyStack, Push and Pop.

q       It can be implemented using array (static approach) and linked list (Dynamic approach).

Exercise: Study the implementation of stack using array in chapter three (section 1) of your book.  Identify the drawbacks of this approach.


Dynamic Implementation of Stack.

q       We recall that in this implementation, stack is just a pointer pointing to the top node.

q       As always, we shall break the implementation into user interface and implementation details.


User interface:

/*  file name: stack.h  */


typedef ... StackEntry;

typedef struct node {

                              StackEntry  entry;

                              struct node *next;

      } Node;

typedef struct {

                              Node *top;

      } Stack;


void Pop(StackEntry *item, Stack *s);

void Push(StackEntry item, Stack *s);

Boolean StackEmpty(Stack *s);

Boolean StackFull();

void CreateStack(Stack *s);

void ClearStack(Stack *);


Implementation Details:

q       The main operations are push and pop.

q       Push is achieved by creating a new node, adding the new entry in the new node and connecting it with the stack. This is demonstrated by the following diagram:



q       Pop is achieved by first returning the entry on the top node, using a temporary pointer to point to the top node, setting stack to point to the next node and freeing the top node.  This is shown by the following diagram:


These and the other operations are implemented dynamically as follows.


/* File name: stack.c */

#include "common.h"  /*you must include stdlib.h in common.h

#include "stack.h"


Node *MakeNode(StackEntry item);


/* Push: make a new node with item and push it onto stack.

Pre:   The stack exists and has been initialized.

Post: The argument item has been stored at the top of the stack.


void Push(StackEntry item, Stack *s)

{   Node *np = MakeNode(item);

     if (np == NULL)

         Error("Attempted to push a non-existing node.");


    {  np->next = s->top;

        s->top  = np;




/* Pop: pop a node from the stack and return its item.

Pre:   The stack exists and is not empty.

Post: The item at the top of stack has been removed and returned.


void Pop(StackEntry *item, Stack *s)

{ Node *np;

   if (s->top == NULL)

       Error("Empty stack.");


   {  np = s->top;

       s->top = np->next;

     *item = np->entry;





/* StackEmpty: return non-zero if the stack is empty.

Pre:   The stack exists and has been initialized.

Post: Return non-zero if the stack is empty; return zero, otherwise.


Boolean StackEmpty(Stack *s)

{  return s->top == NULL;



/* StackFull: always return FALSE because it is a linked stack.

Pre:   The stack exists and has been initialized.

Post: Return FALSE.


Boolean StackFull(void)

{ Node *np;

   if ((np = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node))) == NULL)

       return (TRUE);


   {  free(np);

       return (FALSE);



/* CreateStack: initialize the stack to NULL.

Pre:   None.

Post: The stack has been initialized to be empty.


void CreateStack(Stack *s)


   s->top = NULL;




Pre:  The stack s has been created.

Post: All nodes in s have been destroyed and s is empty.

Uses: None.


void ClearStack(Stack *s)


   Node *np, *fp;



   while (np != NULL)


       fp = np;

       np = np->next;





/* MakeNode: make a new node and insert item.

Pre:   None.

Post: Create a new node and insert item in it.


Node *MakeNode(StackEntry item)


   Node *nodepointer;


    if ((nodepointer = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node))) == NULL)

        Error("Exhausted memory.");



        nodepointer->entry = item;

        nodepointer->next = NULL;


   return nodepointer;




q       Try Exercises 3.1 on page 88-90 of your book.