ICS – 201 SECTION 55 & 56  (992 Semester)


LAB  #05 TOPIC: Recursion

Instructor: Bashir M. Ghandi


Objective:       Understand how to declare and use recursive functions

                        Appreciate the inefficiency of recursive functions.


What is recursion?

·        So far, we have seen that a C program consists of the function main() and a zero or more other functions.

·        That each of the other functions can be called by main() or by other functions.

·        In addition, C also allows a function to call itself.  Such a function is called a recursive function.

·        Recursion is essentially another way of performing iteration.

·        It is a very powerful tool for simplifying algorithms and coding of functions that involve repetitions

·        It generally involves using the divide and conquer approach to problem solving.

·        In this approach, a large problem is solved by breaking it into two or more sub-problems and solving the sub-problems.  The sub-problems are solved by further sub-dividing them into more simpler problems.  This sub-division continue until the simples form of the problem is obtained, the solution to which is obvious.


Examples of recursive functions.

·        Recursive functions generally consists of two parts:


Example 1:

·        The function sum above can be computed as follows:

Iterative Solution

Recursive  Solution

int sumton(int n)

{   int i, sum=0;

     for (i=1; i<=n; i++)


    return sum;


int sumton(int n)

{   if (n ==1)

       return 1;


       return (n*n+sumton(n-1));



Example2:  Fibonacci Sequence:

This is defined recursively as:

f0 = 0,                  f1 = 1          fi+1 = fi + fi-1  for i=1,2, ..

i.e. except for f0 and f1, every element is the sum of its previous two elements: 

          0, 1, 1, 3, 5, . . .


·        The following functions implements computes the nth Fibonacci number.

Iterative Solution

Recursive  Solution

int fibonacci (int n)

{ int i,sum1=0, sum2=1, sum;

  if (n<=1)

     return n;


  {  for (i=2; i<=n; i++)

     {    sum=sum1+sum2;




     return sum;



int fibonacci(int n)

{  if (n<=1)

        return n;


        return (fibonacci(n-1)

            + fibonacci(n-2));





Programming Exercise:


1.         Write a recursive function power that takes a float variable x, and an integer variable n, and returns the value of xn .  Write a main program to test the function.


2.         The greatest common divisor, GCD, of two numbers can be defined as follows:

GCD(x,y) is y if x is divisible by y, otherwise, is the GCD of y and the result of dividing x by y.   Write a recursive function, GCD that computes the GCD of two integer numbers. Write a main program to test the function.


3.         A small ball is dropped from a height of h centimeters. Given that each time the ball bounces it reaches 0.75 of its previous height. Write a recursive function, bounce, which count the number of bounces before the height of the ball is less than 0.1 centimeter.  Write a main program to test the function.


4.         A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward or backward.  Write a recursive function ispalindrome, that returns true if a string is a palindrome and false otherwise. Write a main program to test the function.



1.         Write a recursive function for calculating the Hermite polynomial Hn(X), for a value x of type double and a non-negative integer n,  given that:



Hn(x) = 2xHn-1(x) – 2(n-1)Hn-2(x)    for n>1

  Write a main program to test your function by computing the value of H2(2.0)


2.         An employee earns an annual salary of SR10,000.00  If he is given an increment of 10% (of the previous year) each year, write a recursive function that computes the number of years he must work before his annual salary is over SR30,000.00  Write a main program to test the function.