Lecture 7:  Pointer variables (an overview)


Objectives of this lecture

q       Learn how to declare and use pointer variables

q       Differentiate between a variable and a pointer to the variable

q       Be able to manipulate a variable directly (though its name) and indirectly (through its pointer)


What is a pointer variable and how is it declared?

q       Understanding pointer variables is a key to understanding C language as pointers are used extensively by C.

q       A variable is a name associated with a physical addressable location within the computers memory.


Eg.          int length, width;

float area;

















q       The address of a variable is called its lvalue & its associated data is called its rvalue.

q       A pointer is a variable that can hold the memory address (lvalue) of another variable (or the constant NULL ).

q       It is a legitimate data type in C whose range is the address space of the computers’ memory and it can be printed using the %p format specifier. 

q       Pointer variables are usually associated with a specific type – int pointer, char pointer, etc.  WHY?

q       A pointer variable is declared by preceeding it its name with an asterisks ’*’

E.g.     int *x

float *y, *z

char* ch

q       Note that initially these variables are not pointing to anything. As with most variables, they are said to contain logical garbage or simply undefined)



Assignment of values to pointer variables

q       A pointer variable can be assigned a value (address of another variable) at declaration.

E.g.        int  i ,  *p=&i  ,  k=5  ,  *r=&k;

q       Note:  *p  =  &i ; è the pointer variable p is initialized with the address of the variable i . It does not mean a variable *p is initialized with the address of i.

q       A pointer variable can also be assigned a value using the assignment statement.

E.g.        x=&length


q       When the address of a variable (e.g. length) is assigned to a pointer variable (x = &length), the value of the variable can be accessed in two ways:

q       Directly using variable name:  e.g.  length =10

q       Indirectly (indirect addressing) using the dereference operator, *, e.g.   *x=20

q       Note that *x is usually read as “the objected being pointed by x”.

q       Because *x can be used to change the value of length, it is sometimes called an alias for length.


Pointer assignment

q       Pointers of the same type can be assigned. Consider the declarations:

                int   a  =  4  ,  *p1   =   &a  ;

                int   b  =  20  ,  *p2  =  &b  ;



q       Note: After the assignment, the variable a can only be accessed directly; because the pointer p1 no longer points to it.


q       The variable b can now be accessed directly as b, indirectly as *p1 or indirectly as *p2.

q       Two pointers are said to be equal if they point to the same object.  For example, after the assignment p1=p2 above, p1 is equal to p2.  That is, p1==p2 returns true.



1. which of the following statement is correct.  If not, why not.  Assume the following declarations:

int a, *i_pt1, *i_pt2;

float b, *fl_pt1, *fl_pt2;

char c, *c_pt1, *c_pt2;


  1. fl_pt1=&a;
  2. c_pt1=*c;
  3. b=&fl_pt2;
  4. fl_pt2=&b;
  5. *c_pt1=’c’;
  6. c_pt1=&a;
  7. fl_pt2=13.5;
  1. *fl_pt1=13;
  2. i_pt1=&a;
  3. *i_pt1=*t_pt2;
  4. &c_pt1=*c;
  5. i_pt2=i_pt1;
  6. i_pt2=&i_pt1;
  7. *i_pt1=*i_pt2;
  1. *i_pt1=&i_pt2;
  2. c_pt1=*c_pt2;
  3. fl_pt2=&a;
  4. &fl_pt2=76.5;
  5. b=*i_pt1;
  6. a=*fl_pt1;



2. What is printed by each of the following programs:


#include <stdio.h>
{    int count  = 10, x, *ip;
      ip = &count;
      x = *ip;
      printf("count = %d, x = %d\n", count, x);
#include <stdio.h>
{    int i1, i2, *p1, *p2;
      i1 = 5;
      p1 = &i1;
      i2 = *p1 / 2 + 10;
      p2 = p1;
      printf("i1=%d, i2=%d, *p1=%d, *p2=%d\n", i1, i2, *p1, *p2);