Lecture 4:  Arrays & Functions


Objectives of this lecture

q       Take a quick review of concepts assumed to be known

q       Learn how to pass element of an array as a function parameter

q       Learn how to pass a whole array as a function parameter

q       Be able to apply these concepts in problem solving


C Concepts already known

q       Data types

q       Operators & Operator precedence

q       Control Structures (If & Switch)

q       Repetition structure (for, while, do-while)

q       Functions

q       1-D array


Individual Elements of Array as parameters

q       Similar to passing simple arguments

q       The formal parameter should be a simple variable

q       The actual parameter should be the array name followed by the particular subscript in []


The following example demonstrates this.


/* reads a 1-D array and prints the sum of

   even and odd numbers */


#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 4


int odd(int num);



{ int x[SIZE], i, oddsum, evensum;


  printf("Enter %d integer values\n", SIZE);



  for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++)

      scanf("%d", &x[i]);





  for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++)

     if (odd(x[i]))





  printf("The sum of odd elements is  %d\n", oddsum);

  printf("The sum of even elements is %d\n", evensum);


  return 0;




/* determines if an element is odd */

int odd(int num)

{  int isodd;


   isodd = num%2==1;

   return isodd;



Passing the whole array as a parameter

q       Unlike simple variables, array is not passed into a function, but rather its address.

q       This is done by specifying the array name followed by braces [] (size is not necessary.

q       This makes processing more efficient

q       The actual parameter is the array name (no braces)


Example 1:

Problem:  Each faculty in the ICS department has one of the ID’s: 1, 2, 3, …, 15  to use for photocopying.  The data collected after using the photocopier for one week is in the order of usage as shown below:


3     15

1     40

2     25

3     10


2     50

0     0


The last entry being the sentinel.  Write a program to compute:

1.              The number of papers used by each faculty

2.              The total number used by all faculties

3.              The faculty the used the highest number of papers


Reasoning:  We use a 1-D array of size 15 to sum the papers used by each faculty in the cell corresponding to his id.  The sums are computed as the data is entered until 0 0 is read.

Formal statement: Paper usage problem

Input:  a sequence of ID and Paper used.

Output: total for each faculty, overall total, id with max paper

Processing:  sum up for each id,  sum for all id,  find maximum



Step 1: LOOP 15 times


Step 2: WHILE data remains

a.  INPUT id, papers

b.  sum[id]=sum[id]+papers

Step 3: total=0

Step 4: LOOP 15 times


Step 5: OUTPUT header

              LOOP 15 times

                  IF sum[id]>0

                     OUTPUT id, sum[id]

Step 6: OUTPUT total

Step 7: max=sum[0], pos=1

Step 8: LOOP 14 times

       IF sum[id]>max

             a. max=sum[id]

              b. pos=id+1

step 9: OUTPUT pos

step 10: STOP


#include <stdio.h>


#define SIZE 15


/* Find the number of papers used by each faculty

   of ICS Dept. who used the photocopier*/


void process_data (int sum[]);

int  add_all (int sum[]);

int  id_max (int sum[]);

void print_sum(int sum[]);


main ()

{  int total,max,sum[SIZE];


   /* read and sum-up the data for each faculty */



   /* get the overall total */



   /* get the faculty with maximum usage */



   /* print the total of each faculty */



   printf("The tatal number of paper used is %d\n", total);

   printf("The faculty with max. usage is %d\n",max);


   return 0;




/* read and sum-up the data for each faculty */


void process_data (int sum[])

{  int id, paper;


   for (id=0; id<SIZE; id++)



   printf("Enter ID and Paper used, (0 0 to end)\n");


   scanf("%d%d",&id, &paper);

   while (id>0 && id<SIZE)



      scanf("%d%d",&id, &paper);





/* get the overall total */


int add_all(int sum[])

{  int id, total;



   for (id=0; id<SIZE; id++)

       total = total+sum[id];


   return total;




/* get the faculty with maximum usage */


int id_max(int sum[])

{ int id, max, pos;




   for (id=1; id<SIZE; id++)

       if (sum[id]>max)

       {  max=sum[id];




   return pos+1;




/* print the total of each faculty */


void print_sum(int sum[])

{  int id;


   printf("FAC_ID  PAPER_USED\n");

   for (id=0; id<SIZE; id++)

       if (sum[id]>0)

     printf ("%4d%8d\n", id+1, sum[id]);

