ICS201, SECTIONS 54, 56 and 57  (002 Semester)


LAB  # 09: Practice with Database Using JDBC


Instructor: Bashir M. Ghandi


1. Objectives:

To gain experience with:


2.  Some SQL Commands:

SQL stands for Structured Query Language.  It is used to manage database tables and the data contained in them (i.e it provides commands for creating and deleting tables as well as commands for viewing, adding, updating and deleting data from tables).  One important thing about SQL is that it is supported by all popular database management systems including Oracle, DB2, Access, etc.


To illustrates some basic SQL commands, we shall make use of the following table.



Viewing data:  To view data from a table or collection of related tables, we use the SELECT statement as shown in the following examples:




Shows data from all columns and all rows of the table books.

SELECT bookNumber, author FROM books

Shows data from bookNumber and author columns and from all rows

SELECT bookNumber, author FROM books

WHERE author = ‘Bashir Ghandi’

Shows data from bookNumber and author columns but only for those rows in which the author is ‘Bashir Ghandi’


Other operators we can use in the WHERE clause are:  <, >, <=, >=, AND, OR, NOT, LIKE.

Note: Like is used together with ‘%’ character to find rows for which a certain field begins or ends with some character. Example:    SELECT bookNumber, author FROM books WHERE title LIKE ‘P%’


Adding Data: To add data into a table, we use the INSERT command as shown in the following examples:



INSERT INTO books VALUES (‘990011’, ‘Ahmad Yusuf’, ‘JAVA 2’, 0, ‘none’)

inserts a complete record at the end of the books table.

INSERT INTO books (bookNumber, title) VALUES (‘990011’, ‘JAVA 2’)

inserts a partial record (only for the fields specified)


Deleting data:  To delete a certain row, use the DELETE command.  Example:

DELETE FROM books WHERE bookNumber = ‘990011’


Updating data:  To update data, use the UPDATE commands as follows:

UPDATE books SET author = ‘Ibrahim Usman’, title = ‘Java Applets’

WHERE bookNumber = ‘990010’


2.  Accessing Database from Java Application using JDBCTM

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is designed to allow the to use of SQL to query a wide variety of different database types. Just as a printer driver allows developers to write applications without concern for low-level details of specific printers, JDBC is supposed to free the developer from low-level concerns about particular database types. It should permit the programmer, for example, to query an Access database with exactly the same source code as with an Oracle database.


JDBC is similar to Microsoft's ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), except that it is supposed to bring the added advantage of being platform independent (because it is written in Java).


To use either JDBC or ODBC, however, one needs a database driver that can communicate with the particular DBMS.  Most of the JDBC drivers are not free and are a bit expensive.  On the other hand, drivers for ODBC are already available. (They come with Windows NT and 98). 


Since JDBC and ODBC are very similar, a set of routines were written to translate JDBC commands to ODBC, thus allowing JDBC to use ODBC drivers. These routines are called the JDBC-ODBC bridge.  This bridge is free, and comes with JDK.


To access to a database from a Java application, we need to follow the following steps:


Step 1:  creating database file.

First we need to create a database file using a DBMS such as Microsoft Access.  Start Microsoft Access and create a database file named Library.mdb by clicking File - New – database. An access database file can contain many tables. 


Create a table, books, by clicking the option “Create table by Design view”.   To create a table you have to specify the column names and the corresponding data type. the table books should have same structure as the one shown in the figure on page 1.  After creating the table, populate it with some records..


Step 2:  configure ODBC:

The next step is to configure ODBC to make it aware of our database.  Go to the control panel and click on ODBC data sources you will find the following window.


Click on user DSN and select Add button, then you will get the window shown on the right above.


Select Microsoft Access Driver and click the Finish button and you will get the following window.


In the data Source name Text field, give the data source name (any name but this is the name you will use in the java application. Let us name our data source Library.)


Now click the select button and you will get the window shown in the right side of the above picture.

In that window select the database file you created in step 1. Then click OK for all the previous windows.

With this, you have successfully set the ODBC Configuration.


Step 3:  Writing a Java application that communicates with the database.

Writing a Java application to communicate with a database involves three main tasks, namely:

  1. Establishing a connection with a data source
  2. Sending queries and update statements to the data source
  3. Processing the results

1.             Establishing a Connection:

Establishing a connection involves loading the driver and then making the connection.

Loading the driver or drivers you want to use is very simple and involves just one line of code as follows:



Note:  The method forName() generates ClassNotFoundException if JDBC is not installed.  This is a checked exception, so we must handle it before the above statement can compile.


Making the Connection involves creating a Connection object that links the driver to the DBMS.

Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "myLogin", "myPassword");


Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);


The second version assumes you do not need to login the computer hosting the database file. 

Since we are using the JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver, the JDBC URL will start with jdbc:odbc: . The rest of the URL is generally the data source name defined in the configuration of ODBC (step2).  In our case it is Library.  Thus, we should have:

Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:odbc:Library);


2.             Creating JDBC Statements and Sending SQL statements to the data source

The next step after establishing a connection is to create a Statement object using the Connection object as follows:

Statement statement = con.createStatement();


The Statement object created above has methods which are used to send SQL statement to the DBMS.  Which method is used depends on the SQL statement being sent.  For a SELECT statement, the method to use is executeQuery() . Whereas, for statements that create or modify tables, the method to use is executeUpdate.

String  query = "select * from books";

ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(query);


Notice that executeQuery() method returns an object of ResultSet which contains the result of the query.


The executeUpdate() is similar, except that we are not expecting result from the data source.

String query2 = "INSERT INTO books VALUES ('990011', 'Ahmad Yusuf',

                  'JAVA 2', 1, 'none')";




3.             Processing Results obtained from data source.

The variable result , which is an instance of ResultSet , contains the rows of the books table.  In order to process each row, we need to go to the row and retrieve its values. The method next() moves what is called a cursor to the next row and makes that row (called the current row) the one upon which we can operate. The cursor is initially positioned just above the first row of a ResultSet object, the first call to the method next() moves the cursor to the first row and makes it the current row. Successive invocations of the method next() move the cursor down one row at a time from top to bottom.


The ResultSet object has a getMethod for each type (getString, getInt, getDouble, getLong, getFloat, etc) which can be used to retrieve the value of a field depending on its type.  For example, the following loop is use to retrieve and print the bookNumber, author and title fields of the books table.

while( {


            "\t"+ result.getString("author")+

            “\t"+ result.getString("title"));



Note:  Most of the methods of the ResultSet object (e.g next()) generates SQLException  which is a checked exception, so again we must handle this exception before our program can compile.


Example 1: The following is a complete example that reads data from the books file and prints the first three fields.

import java.sql.*;

public class SelectQuery {

   private Connection con=null;

   private Statement selectStatement;

   private ResultSet selectResult;


   public void connectToDB() {


         System.out.println("Loading the driver ...");


         System.out.println("Connecting to database ...");

         con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Library");


            System.out.println("Connected to database ...");


      catch(SQLException sqle) {



      catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe){




   public void closeDB(){

         try {

            if(con != null)



         catch(SQLException sqle) {




   public void processBooksQuery(){

      String  query = "select * from books";


         selectStatement = con.createStatement();

         System.out.println("Sending Query to database Table ...\n");


         selectResult = selectStatement.executeQuery(query);

         System.out.println("The Query  :  "+query+"\n");


         System.out.println("Query results\n");

         while( {







      catch(SQLException sqle){




   public static void main(String[] args){

      SelectQuery sq = new SelectQuery();







3.  Scrolling through a database

From Java 1.2, JDBC has been improved to handle not only scrolling forward, but also scrolling backward through a database table.  It is also possible to scroll to a particular row number.


To scroll both forward and backward, we use another createStament() method of the Connection object which has the form: 

Statement statement = con.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY );


The constant CONCUR_READ_ONLY is used if no update is allowed from the application.  To allow for update, we use the constant, CONCUR_UPDATABLE.


Now apart from the next() method used to move to the next record, the Statement object created as shown above has additional methods as follows:




moves the cursor to the first record


moves the cursor to the last record


moves the cursor to the previous record

absolute(int n)

moves the cursor to record number n counting from the top

relative(int n)

moves the cursor to record number n counting from the current record

boolean isFirst()

returns true if the current record is the first – call this before calling first()

boolean isLast()

returns true if the current record is the last – call this before calling last()


Note:  Like the method next(), most of these methods throw SQLException, so we should catch that it when calling them.



4.  Assignment


1.        Modify Example1 such that:

(a)     It displays all books whose author is Bashir Ghandi

(b)     It displays a book authored by Bashir Ghandi and whose title is Java made Easy

(c)     It displays all books that are not borrowed

(d)     Displays all books whose title begins with “Java”


Note:  You need to define the String variable query four more times and comment the rest so that only one is active at a time.


2.        Add another Table named members to the Library database with fields IDNumber, Name, NumberOfBooks and populate it with some members.  Now modify example 1 such that it displays:

(a)     List of members who borrowed at least one book

(b)     List of members who borrowed more than one book

(c)     List of title and author of a book along side the name of the borrower who borrowed the book.


3.        The program, BooksDisplay is intended to allow scanning through the books in the Library database one book at a time using the buttons provided.


You can execute the compiled version of this application from lab09 folder to see the intended effect.  You are to complete the application by addition action listeners to the buttons so that they behave as intended.