ICS201, SECTIONS 02  (002 Semester)


LAB  #00 Java Packages and Literate Programming


Instructor: Bashir M. Ghandi



To gain experience with:



1.  Java Packages


A Java package is a collection of sub-packages and/or classes (compilation units).

The classes in a package may or may not be related by inheritance.

A package is used to group similar and interdependent classes together.

The Java API is composed of multiple packages.

The import statement is used to assert that a particular program will use classes from a particular package.

A programmer can define a package and add classes to it.

The package statement is used to specify that all classes defined in a file belong to a particular package.

The syntax of the package statement is:

package package-name;

The package statement must be located at the top of a file, and there can be only one package statement per file.


2.  Organizing our classes into Packages

In this course, throughout this semester, we shall be organizing the classes we develop into related packages.

You are expected to create a directory structure similar to the one in Lecture slide number 2 where you will be storing your classes.

You should create this structure in both your network directory (z-drive), on your floppy and on your personal computer if you have one.  You will find this very useful by the end of the course.

In addition to the directories on the lecture slides, you are required to create a folder, labs with subfolders lab00, lab01, etc. where you will be storing the applications you developed in the lab.

Notice that if you develop a class which is to be used as a type (for creating objects) you should store that in its appropriate package.  For example, Point class should be stored in the graphics package.  However, the application/applet that uses the type (e.g. TestPoint) should be stored in the package for the lab in which the application/applet is developed.

The following diagram shows how you may organize your packages. 

Copy a folder named cs from my computer (icswww) and store it on the root of your z drive.  You will find that the folder contains a structure similar to the above.  You will also find the three example classes, Point, TestPoint and TextIO in their appropriate packages.


Open each class and see the package statement for it.  For example, the Point class is shown below:


Example 1:  The following defines a Point class, which is defined in a package called



public class Point {
        private double x;
        private double y;
        public Point(double x, double y) {
        public Point() {
               this(0.0, 0.0);
        public double distanceToOrigin() {
               return Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
        public double distanceToPoint(Point p) {
               return Math.sqrt(((x-p.x)*(x-p.x))+((y-p.y)*(y-p.y)));
        public void moveTo(double x, double y) {
        public void translate(double dx, double dy) {
               x += dx;
               y += dy;
        public double getX() {
               return x;
        public  double getY() {
               return y;
        public String toString() {
               return "("+x+", "+y+")";
        public boolean equals(Point p) {
               return this.x == p.x && this.y == p.y;


Example 2:  The following shows how the Point class may be imported.

package cs.labs.lab00;



import cs.utilities.TextIO;


public class TestPoint {

      static TextIO stdin = new TextIO(;


      public static void main(String[] args) throws{

            double x,y;

            System.out.print("Enter first point: ");



            Point p1 = new Point(x,y);

            System.out.print("Enter second point: ");



            Point p2 = new Point(x,y);

            System.out.println("Distance of "+p1+ " to origin = "+p1.distanceToOrigin() );

            System.out.println("Distance of "+p2+ " to origin = "+p2.distanceToOrigin() );

            System.out.println("Distance between "+p1+" and "+p2+ " = "+p1.distanceToPoint(p2) );





3.  Specifying classpath for user-defined packages

Java tools (compiler, enterpreter, etc) automatically detect the loacation of the standard Java packages.

However, for user-defined packages, the user must specify their locations.  This can be done in either of two ways:

  1. Using the set PATH command (not recommended): This is used at the DOS prompt before using SDK tools to compile and execute programs.  The format is:

 set CLASSPATH=path1;path2...

where path1, path2, etc are the ROOT folders of the packages.

e.g.   set CLASSPATH=”z://”


  1. Using the classpath option (recommended):  This is used as an option to a SDK tool to direct it on where to find the user packages. The format is:

sdkTool -classpath path1;path2  source or class file.


                 e.g.  To compile, we change to its folder and enter the following:

javac –classpath “z://”


                         To execute, we execute the following from any folder:

java –classpath “z://” cs.labs.lab00.TestPoint


                          Notice that for execution, we need to give the full name of the class file.


  1. We can also compile and execute programs that uses user-defined packages from within JCreator.  To do this, we need to modify the parameter configuration of both the Compiler and Run Application as shown below:



3.  Creating  and using jar files.


Jar is an SDK tool that allows classes in package(s) to be compressed together into a single file.  The resulting file is called a JAR file.  The advantage of JAR files is obvious.  They save space and they relived the user from having to deal with many folders.  Moreover, the classes in a JAR file can be accessed/executed directly without the need for inflating (unzipping) the JAR file.


The statement for creating a JAR file has the form:

jar cvf jar-file input-file(s)

·         The c option indicates that you want to create a JAR file.

·         v - produces verbose status output.

·          The f option indicates that you want the output to go to a file.

·         jar-file is the name that you want the resulting JAR file to have. You can use any filename for a JAR file. By convention, JAR filenames are usually given a .jar extension, though this is not required.

·         The input-file(s) argument is a space-delimited list of one or more files that you want to be placed in your JAR file. The input-file(s) argument can contain the wildcard * symbol. If any of the "input-files" are directories, the contents of those directories are added to the JAR archive recursively.

The following example create a JAR file for our cs package:

jar cvf  cs.jar cs

Note, you need to execute this while you are outside the cs folder (root of z drive).

You can now execute the TestPoint example from the JAR file as follows:

java –classpath “z://cs.jar" cs.labs.lab00.TestPoint


3.  Literate Programming

Java has a standard form for inserting documentation comments that describe classes, methods and fields inside a source file.

Java SDK tool, called javadoc can then be used to automatically generate a neat set of HTML pages that document the classes.

Documentation comments are delimited by:

/** ………… */

The javadoc utility copies the first sentence of each comment to a summary table. Therefore, it is best to write that first sentence with some care. It should start with an uppercase letter and end with a period. It does not have to be a grammatically complete sentence, but it should be meaningful when it is pulled out of the comment and displayed in a summary.


Within a documentation comment, we can use the following tags to highlight some information in the generated HTML document.





Identifies the author of the class


Specifies that a class member is deprecated


Identifies an exception thrown by a method


Documents a method's parameter


Documents a method's return value


Specifies a link to another topic




States the release when a specific change was introduced


Same as the exception tag




Specifies the version of a class


Method comments should contain additional information for each method parameter using the  @param tag.

You should also use the @return to indicate the return type of the method.


You omit the @param tag for methods that have no parameters (parameterless), and you omit the @return tag for methods whose return type is void.


Example 3:  The following example shows the class Greeter using literate programming to generate meaningful documentation with javadoc utility.



   A class for producing simple greetings.
public class Greeter {
   public String name;
      Constructs a Greeter object that can greet a person or entity.
      @param aName the name of the person or entity who should be addressed in the greetings.
   public Greeter(String aName) {
      name = aName;
      Greet with a "Hello" message.
      @return a message containing "Hello" and the name of the greeted person or entity.
   public String sayHello() {
      return "Hello, " + name + "!";

First, the javadoc utility will format your comments into a neat set of HTML documents. It makes good use of the seemingly repetitive phrases. The first sentence of each method comment is used for a summary table of all methods of your class (see Figure 1). The @param and @return comments are neatly formatted in the detail description of each method (see Figure 2). If you omit any of the comments, then javadoc generates documents that look strangely empty.




















Figure 1: A javadoc Class Summary.



Example 4:  The following example modifies the TestPoint example.  Use javadoc to generate the documentation for it,

*    A class for showing javadoc use.
*       @version 1.0.
package cs.labs.lab00; // The name of the package
import cs.utilities.TextIO; // Needed fro input operations
import*; // Import all the classes in the package
public class TestPoint {       
        static TextIO stdin = new TextIO(;          
        The main method creates Point objects.
        @param String[] args: Command line arguments as an array of Strings.
        @throws IOException
        @exception IOException on input errors.
        @since JDK1.2
        public static void main(String[] args) throws {
          double x,y;
          System.out.print("Enter first point: ");
          Point p1 = new Point(x,y);          
          System.out.print("Enter second point: ");
          Point p2 = new Point(x,y);
          System.out.println("Distance of "+p1+ " to origin = +p1.distanceToOrigin());     
          System.out.println("Distance of "+p2+ " to origin = +p2.distanceToOrigin());     
   } // End of the main() method
        This method does NOTHING.
        @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        @see Exception
        @since JDK1.2
        @deprecated Will not be available in the next varsion of the program
        public void nothing() throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
} // End of the nothing() method
} // End of the class TestPoint


4.  Assignments

1.       Implement a class Employee in a package databases, with the following fields, constructors and methods:





                public Employee(String name, double salary)

                public Employee(double salary, String name)

                public Employee(String name)  //this should initialize the salary to 0.0


                public String getName()

                public double getSalary()

                public void raiseSalary(double percentageIncrease)

                public void printEmployee()  //prints the employee’s name and Salary

                public String toString()


Then, write an application TestEmployee in the cs.labs.lab00 package, that reads the names and salaries of two employees and make use of the Employee class to create two Employee objects and print them.  Next, read a percentage increase in salary for each employee and call the raiseSalary() method  to increment each and print the objects again.


2.       Implement a Student class with the following fields, constructors and methods:





                public Student(String name, double score)

                public Student(double score, String name)

                public Student(String name) {


                public String getName()

                public double getAverage()       //this should return zero if no quiz has been taken.

                public double getTotalScore()

                public void addQuiz(double score)

                public void printStudent()          //this should print the student’s name and average score

                public String toString()


Let the Student class be part of the same package cs.databases. Then, write an application TestStudent that reads a student name and use the Student class to create a Student object.  Then read the scores of the student in three quizzes and add each to the totalScore of the student using addQuiz() method and print the student object.


3.       Generate the needed documentation for the Java classes of Assignment # 1.


4.       Generate the needed documentation for the Java classes of Assignment # 2