The following steps are important after installation of Oracle: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First Test of database connectivity with Oracle SQL Give Username: Scott and Password:Tiger Host String: Global Database Name [Optional], defined during installation Host string or service name may have forms like ccse, ccse.ics, host:port:sid, t:pralhq:v7 Note: User name and password can be separated by forward slash and followed by symbol @ to indetify Global Database name or instance. For example: Scott/tiger@GDN (System's test user, alternate names for GND may be SID, service name etc.) At the prompt of SQL type and press Enter key to display tables available for user scott: SQL> select * from tab; Other important users ---------------------------- DBA: system/manager SYSDBA: sys/change_on_install Instance(SID): CCSEDB Steps to Organize database before using it: ---------------------------------------------- Analyse how much space do you need Rough estimate would be as follows: Size of big tables in the form of columns and records Size of tablespace (subset of Database GND) is 40M Where to keep this file (Some folder and files at OS level, suggested folder will be F:\Oracle817\OraData\SID) Who will use this tablespace-some user Login with user system/manager (or Connect system/manager) Create tablespace WORK Datafile 'F:\Oracle817\OraData\GND\WORK1.dbf' Size 40M online; create user ejaz identified by xyz default tablespace WORK temporary tablespace temp; grant connect,resource to ejaz; connect ejaz/xyz@SID show user --To create user scott's tables in new user ejaz, follow at SQL prompt @f:\oracle817\sqlplus\demo\demobld.sql NOTE: Download demobld.sql file from my web site or search in a folder where oracle has been installed.