
Internally Funded Projects
[20] "Statistical Characterization of Indefinite Quadratic Forms and their Applications" (Principal Investigator).
Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM
May 2012 - Apr. 2013
[19] "A structured Bayesian approach for block sparsity recovery"  (Principal Investigator).
Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM
Jan. 2011 - Jul. 2012
[18] "Low Complexity Blind Equalization for SISO Systems with General Constellations" (Principal Investigator).
Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM
Dec. 2011 - Nov. 2012
[17] "PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signals by Compressed Estimation" (Principal Investigator).
Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM
Sep. 2010 - Aug. 2011 [Abstract]

"Blind Channel Estimation of OFDM System by Relying on the Gaussian Assumption of the Input" (Principal Investigator).

Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM

Mar. 2009 - May 2010 [Abstract]

[15] "Using the Cyclic Prefix for Blind Equalization in OFDM" (Principal Investigator).
Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM
Sep. 2008 - Nov. 2009 [Abstract]
[14] "Broadcasting Data to Multiple User Groups: Information Theoretic Investigation of the Wide Band Case" (Principal Investigator).
Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM
Jun. 2007 - Feb. 2009 [Abstract]
[13] "Free Deconvolution for Seismic Applications" (Co-Investigator).
Jointly Funded Project by Ecole Superieure d Electricite (Supelec), Paris, France and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM)
Jun. 2008 - Dec. 2008
[12] "The Effect of Spatial Correlation on the Capacity of Multi-Input Multi-Output Broadcast Channels with Partial Side Information"  (Principal Investigator).
Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM
Mar. 2007 - Jun. 2008 [Abstract]
[11] "Enhancing Student Participation in Extra Curricular Activities and Interaction with the Faculty" (Co-investigator).
A Project of KFUPM's Strategic Plan
Mar. 2007 - Jun. 2008 [Abstract]
[10] "Frequency Domain Estimation of Time Variant Channels in OFDM" (Principal Investigator).
Junior Faculty Project, Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM
Sep. 2006 - Aug. 2007 [Abstract]
[9] "Establishing Entrepreneurial and Value-added Programs" (Co-investigator).
A Project of KFUPM's Strategic Plan
Mar. 2006 - Jun. 2007 [Abstract]
[8] "Online Development of the Undergraduate Communication Engineering Course" (Co-investigator).
Deanship of Academic Development, E-Learning Center, KFUPM
May 2006 - Jun. 2007 [Abstract]
Annual King Abdul-Aziz City of Science & Technology (KACST) and National Science, Technology, and Innovation Plan (NSTIP) Funded Projects
[7] "Compressive Sensing for Feedback Reduction in MIMO Broadcast Channels" (Co-Investigator)
National Science, Technology, and Innovation Plan (NSTIP)
June 2010 - June 2012
[6] "Distributed Localization of Impulsive Acoustical Sources Algorithms and Prototype Implementation"  (Co-Investigator)
National Science, Technology, and Innovation Plan (NSTIP)
June 2010 - May 2012 [Abstract]
[5] "Narrow Band Interference Cancellation in MIMO-OFDM systems using Compressed Sensing"  (Co-Investigator)
National Science, Technology, and Innovation Plan (NSTIP)
June 2010 - May 2012 [Abstract]
[4] "Wireless Network Optimization and Planning for WiMAX" (Co-investigator)
King Abdul-Aziz City of Science and Technology (KACST)
Jun. 2009 - Jun. 2011 [Abstract]
[3] "Estimation of Time-Variant Channels and ICI Cancellation in OFDM" (Principal Investigator)
King Abdul-Aziz City of Science and Technology (KACST)
Dec. 2007 - Dec. 2009 [Abstract] [Certificate of Achievement Award]
Industry Funded Projects
[2] "Estimation and Cancellation of Impulsive Noise in DSL Lines" funded by Saudi Telecom
Company (STC) (Principal Investigator)
Sep. 2009 - May. 2010 [Abstract]
[1] "The Near-Surface Seismic Investigation Consortium" (NSSIC), A Consortium funded by Saudi Aramco and Schlumberger (Co-investigator)
Jan. 2007 - Jan. 2008  [Abstract]