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Dr. Mohamed Deriche received his
undergraduate degree from the National Polytechnic School of Algeria in
1985. He then joined University of Minnesota, USA, where he
completed his MS and PhD in 1988, and 1992 respectively. He worked as a
Post Doctorate Fellow with the University of Minnesota Radiology
Department in the area of MRI. He then joined the Queensland University
of Technology, Australia, as a Lecturer in 1994, then Associate
Professor in 2000. In 2001, he joined the EE Department at King Fahd
University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia, where he is currently
leading the signal processing group.
He was awarded the ``Best
Electrical Engineering Student'' in 1985. He has published over one
hundred fifty refereed papers. He delivered a number of tutorial and
invited talks at international conferences. He is a recipient of the
IEEE third Millennium Medal for 2000. In 2006, he received the Shauman
award from best researcher in the Arab world in the area of engineering
sciences, and in 2009, he received the excellence in research award at
Dr. Deriche supervised more than 20
PhD and Master students and more than 60 BS theses in the areas of
signal & image processing. He completed more than 20 Major Funded
Research Projects including grants from the Australian Research Council
(ARC) and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Saudi
Arabia. |
My Research Interests |
Multiscale Signal Processing,
Wavelets, Fractals, Speech Audio and Image Processing, Biometrics
(fingerprints, face, iris, speech, multimodal), Biomedical Signal
Processing |
Dr. Deriche's research involves
the development of novel methods for modeling and processing one and
two-dimensional signals, with focus on problems of compression,
recognition, and information theoretic concepts. The main applications
of interest include high quality audio, person identification, multiple
classifier combination, multimedia, and computed imaging.
Most of Dr. Deriche's work involves the use of multiresolution
techniques including wavelets and fractals adapted to signal statistics.
For fingerprints, he developed a new approach using wavelets and LVQ
that outperformed the standard FBI based compression. In Audio, he
developed a novel approach using wavelets and warped linear prediction
with excellent results. In Biometrics, he developed a novel approach for
the combination of multimodality person identification. Recently, he has
been working on developing new statistical approaches for registering
medical images obtained through different modalities by enhancing the
traditional ICP algorithm.
My Contact Information |
Phone: |
+966-3-860-1523 |
Fax: |
+966-3-860-3535 |
Mobile: |
+966-55-137-8216 |
E-mail: |
mderiche@kfupm.edu.sa |
Address: |
P.O. Box 1427 ,
KFUPM, Dhahran, 31261, Saudi Arabia. |
Office Location: |
Building 59, Room
2083 |
My Office Hours |
Sunday 11:00-12:00 AM, Wednesday
1:00-2:00 pm, or by appointment |
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