Portfolio Assignment (45%)

Activity 6 - Summarise and Reflect

Summarise what you think are the main issues based on what you have learnt in this course.

  1. The important points raised regarding the legal system? What are the main issues?
  2. What parts of the legal system do you think work well?
  3. What parts of the legal system do you think should work better or needs improvement?
  4. Did you find anything difficult to understand?
  5. What do you think is the most important aspect of the law?
  6. Comment on a person who you thought answered and discussed the issues you learnt about particularly well. Why?

    Remember to discuss the answers with your peers.

Grading rubric for online discussions


You must present the materials you have finished in Task 1 in a protfolio. This is a work in prgress, so please go to the course overview for suggestions on when you should be doing your portfolio homework to keep you on track.

In regard to your portfolio, all of the answers from your Task 1 assignments are called artifacts. It is not expected that you include all discussion threads in your portfolio, therefore, here are the artifacts and general things that I will expect to see in your portfolio:

Your portfolio should start with an introduction. This is simply showing the questions you posted for the police in your orientation activity and why you posted these questions and how you think these relate to the course.

Your portfolio should end with answers to the following self reflection.

It is recommended that you think about your presentation well before the assignment is due to avoid running short on time.

Grading rubric for portfolio

Assignment A | B | C | D | E | Portfolio

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