Paper title

“Using Spectral Coherence for the Detection and Monitoring of Spinal Cord Injury”

Authors: Angelo All1, Noreen Fatoo2, Nabil Mirza2, Rabi Ahmed2, Hasan Al-Nashash2 and Nitish Thakor1
: 1. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, 2. American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE

Abstract — Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) were obtained from 15 rats that were inflected with graded injury using the NYU Impactor. SEPs, in response to stimuli to the nerves in the limbs, were recorded from the cranium. Spectral coherence was used to analyze these signals. Results obtained from the investigation show that this technique is capable of providing a quantitative measure of spinal cord injury (SCI).