Paper title

"Overview of Nortel Next Generation/4G Technologies & Hyperconnectivity"

Authors: Scott Wickware
Vice-President,  Marketing and Strategy, Carrier Networks, Nortel, France

Abstract - The new era of Hyperconnectivity is being driven by customer and consumer demand for seamless “connectedness” all the time, anywhere, on any device.  Anything that can be connected to the network will be connected – encompassing person-to-person, person-to-machine and machine-to-machine.  Hyperconnectivity will create complexity, diversity and require the integration of new applications and devices using the network.  The complexity created by this explosion of devices and machine-to-machine traffic on the network is a challenge that businesses will have to face and solve before they can reap the benefits of faster decision making and more democratic knowledge distribution.

By 2010, Nortel estimates there will be 10 devices connected to the network for every person using them and the network will need to support five billion connections points.  It is a phenomenon being driven by the proliferation of handheld devices and the convergence of wired, wireless and IP.  Cameras, MP3 players, security systems, appliances and much more are all demanding to be connected, to be linked, to be “interusable”. 

The demand is going to fundamentally change our cultures and make or break businesses across the globe.  It means developing new ways of creating networks, with simpler design and lower underlying costs. While this will be a challenge, it also opens up entirely new opportunities.  Managing and simplifying all of these points of connection creates the potential for new service delivery and revenue growth.

But what will it really mean to us, the consumer – the individual?

We came from a time when life was rather simple into a world now that is becoming more and more complicated.  Being connected all the time with the line between work life and home life becoming increasing blurred.  The increases in productivity gained from Hyperconnectivity are almost counter to our advocacy of maintaining a work/life balance.  Will the future of Hyperconnectivity, the incredible advancement of technology, the interconnectedness of people-to-people, people-to-machines and machines-to-machines, ultimately result in a return to simplicity? 

Simplicity is impossible with out mobility.  The definition of mobility has to be more than just moving around and being connected.  A dynamic environment is necessary – where the nodes themselves connect and re-connect with every node in constant motion.  The path must be a dynamic environment that is constantly changing and adapting.  With intelligence built into the technology will it result in simplicity rising out of the complexity?