Author: Prof. Ali Sayigh
Chairman of WREC and Director General of WREN, Brighton, UK

Graduated from London University, & Imperial College, B.SC. DIC, Ph.D., CEng in 1966. Fellow of the Institute of Energy, and Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Chartered Engineer. Prof Sayigh taught at Baghdad University, College of Engineering, King Saud University, College of Engineering, Saudi Arabia, and also Kuwait University as part time professor. Also Head of Energy Department at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) and Expert in renewable energy at AOPEC.  

He started working in solar energy since September 1969. In 1984 he establish with Pergamon Press his first International Journal for Solar and Wind Technology as an Editor-in-Chief. In  1990-present        Editor-in-Chief of Renewable Energy Journal incorporating Solar & Wind Technology, published by Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, UK. He is Founder and Chairman of the ARAB Section of ISES since 1979, was chairman of UK Solar Energy Society for 3-years and consultants to many national and international organizations, among them UNESCO, UNDP, ESCWA, & UNIDO.                 

Since 1977, Prof Sayigh founded and directed several Renewable Energy Conferences and Workshops in ICTP - Trieste, Italy, Canada, Colombia, Algeria, Kuwait, Bahrain, Malaysia, Zambia, Malawi, India, West Indies, Tunisia, Indonesia,  Libya, Taiwan, UAE, Oman, Czech Republic, West Indies, Bahrain, Germany, Australia, Poland, USA and UK. In 1990, he established the World Renewable Energy Congress and in 1992 the Network (WREN) which have their Congresses every two years, attracting more than 100 countries each time. In 2000 he was one of the founding member of ASTF.

Prof Sayigh had supervised and graduated more than 30 Ph D students and 50 M Sc students  under his supervision at Reading University and University of Hertfordshire. He edited, contributed, and written more than 20-books, and 300-papers in various international journals and Conferences. Since 1990 cooperated with the British Council, Commonwealth Science Council, UNDP, ESCWA, UNESCO and during the last six years with ISESCO. In 2000-Present initiated and worked closely with Sovereign Publication Company to produce the most popular magazine at annual bases called Renewable Energy (2001,2002,2003,2004,2005and2006).