Course:     CEM 510, Construction Planning and Scheduling


Instructor: Dr Soliman Almohawis             Office: 19/326

Phone: 860-3212



Office hours:  S & M 4-5 PM

or by appointment


Textbook: Hinze, J. W., Construction Planning and Scheduling, 3rd Ed.,2008

Companion website:



Description: This course covers Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) as management tools to plan, schedule, and control construction projects. Although both techniques will be covered in this course, CPM will be treated in greater details due to its wider use in construction.


Throughout the course, emphasis will be on the manual solution approach. However, computer applications will be covered as much as circumstances allow. See attached course syllabus and detailed course content.


Course Requirements:


a. Homework:

Homework problems are due one week from the date they are assigned. Untidy and or late homework will not be accepted. If you have difficulty with any homework problem, please see me during my office hours. Homework will be graded by a Research Assistant, so if you have a question on your graded homework see him first. If you are not satisfied with the grader’s feedback, see me.


b. Article Presentation:

Each student is required to present orally to the class a relevant and recent journal article (published within the last 3 years). More detailed information will be provided to you on a separate handout, and this link.


c. Group project:

Every group is required to write a short report on the planning and scheduling practices of a local construction contractor. At the end of the semester, each group will make an oral presentation of its findings to the class. As a substitute to the group project, any individual student may submit a review report and make an oral presentation on a relevant PC software. More detailed information regarding this requirement will be provided to you on a separate assignment sheet, and this link.


d. Exams:

There will be two midterm and one final exams. The final exam will be comprehensive. Exams cover lectures, textbook, presentations.


Performance Evaluation:


Student's performance in this course will be evaluated as the following:


Homework                                      15 %

Article Presentation                          05 %

Participation                                    05 %

Project                                            20 %

Midterm Exams (15% each)             30 %

Final Exam                                               25 %


Please note that DN will be given to students who miss (without acceptable excuses) 6 meetings or more.



Useful Links to relevant organizations:


American Society of Civil engineers

Project Management Institute

Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering Intl

Associated of General Contractors of America



Samples of Student’s works:


a. Samples of students’ presentations of journal articles.

              1. Article Present.-041

                        2. Article Present -041

                        3. Article Present -041

                        4. Article Present -041

                        5. Article Present -091


b. Samples of Students’ projects.

              1. Project Present.-091

                        2. Project Present -101


c. Samples of Students’ presentations of their projects.

               1. Project Report - 031

                         2. Project Report - 101

                         3. Project Report - 031